Factors That Add Complexity to Life

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By recognizing and addressing these factors that contribute complexity to life, individuals can pave the way for a more straightforward and fulfilling life journey.

Today we are going to have a brief discussion on how people complicate life.

Chyrel Strayed

that my complicated life could be made simple was astounding

Life seems complicated, but it is actually simple. Most of us might admit to that fact but looking at our lives we realize how complicated it is even with all of its simplicity and it then brings us to the question “why?”  but why wouldn’t it? We often fail to realize that we are the originators of this complexity.

To complicate things is to make something more difficult to deal with. Most people have complicated their life and even go as far as making life complicated for other people. Are you doing a job you don’t fancy? Are you with a partner you don’t like? Are u living important things undone? If yes, you are making life complicated for yourself in ways you can’t imagine.

There are a lot of things we do to make life complicated for us, I’ll outline but a few so you won’t be ignorant about them.

Blake Mycoskie

complicated lives and heaps of possession don’t necessarily bring happiness; in fact, they can bring the opposite

7 ways people complicate lives


Elizabeth Kubler Ross

it is only when we truly know and understand that we have limited time on earth and we have no way of knowing when our time is up, that we will begin to live each day to the fullest as if it was the only day we had.

The perfect time to do a certain thing never seems to come, so we wait for it. The work seems hard, so we wait till it becomes easier not realizing that nothing will change unless we make the decision to start. “I’ll write those books”; “I’ll read those books”; “I’ll start up that business when the time is right”, these are few of the countless statements procrastinators use.

The more you procrastinate, the more the work needed to be done become harder. Trust me, procrastination can become a habit, a very bad habit to be precise which does little or no good. The dangers of procrastinating are numerous and can’t be solved unless you sit your ass down and write those books, read those books and startup that business. Start now!

Napoleon Bunaparte

take time to deliberate; but when the time for action arrives, stop thinking and go in”


Kemma Nola

don’t run away from a challenge, rather run towards it, the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet and the more difficult the victory, the greater the happiness in winning

Ever procrastinated and thought that that’s the worst there is, you were wrong. When one procrastinates, the person is still willing to do what is meant to be done, but fleeing from life challenges is acknowledging that you can do nothing about a particular situation. It is usually the end product of procrastination.

For every time we bow to failure or succumb to defeat, we lose our self-esteem, confidence and end up thinking the worse about our self which complicates our life in ways we can’t imagine. Why let those little things scare you when you can take control of everything in your life. If you can conceive the thought, you can do it.

sometimes overcoming a challenge is as simple as changing the way you think about it


it’s impossible not to make assumptions but you can become aware that they are only assumptions and not the truth

There are two types of realities known to man, the subjective and the objective. The objective reality is not accessible to living things {this is me assuming}. This tells us how things really are in the world. Hardly will we ever come to such knowledge, for there are a lot of things we don’t know and we don’t know that we don’t know them. Though man still strives to gain such knowledge, that’s one battle we might never win.

Since we don’t know how things really are, so we cook up stories about how things are. This brings us to the subjective reality where the assumption is the centrepiece. We interpret and relate things base on what we think they are. Assumptions are the mother of all fuckups, especially wrong assumptions.

Assumptions are easy, just get incomplete information from a source. It goes a long way to complicating one’s life, especially when emotions are involved. A lot of stories and events go through your mind based on past experiences, leaving you vulnerable to the pains you felt before as though it was happening all over again, quit assuming, get complete information so you don’t complicate things and see the differences in your life.

“don’t doubt yourself, but doubt everything you assume”


You have to decide what your highest priorities are and have the courage pleasantly, smilingly, non-apologetically to say no to other things. And the way you do that is by having a bigger yes burning inside. The enemy of the best is often the good

Are you a student putting something else more important than your studies? you’ve misplaced priorities. Are you a footballer putting something more important than your training? you’ve misplaced priorities. It’s simply the act of putting things before the most important thing in your life at that moment.

It goes a long way in complicating your life because you’ll be poor in the area of your life that is supposed to be the most important area of your life at that point in time. this may make you start doubting yourself. What’s worse than doubting yourself? Nothing I can think of. So, try as much as possible not to misplace priorities.

Victoria Moran

a simple life is not seeing how little we can get by with – that’s poverty, but how efficiently we can put first things first. When you’re clear about your purpose and your priorities, you can painlessly discard whatever does not support these, whether it’s clutter in your cabinets or commitments on your calendar


Paulo Coelho

it’s always easy to blame others. You can spend your entire life blaming the world, but your success and failures are entirely your own responsibilities”

Blaming others is the fine art of making someone/something else responsible for difficult things that happen to us. Many a time, we take the credit if things go well in our life but lay blame on circumstances when things go bad. But society seems to support it with tv stations most times taking responsibilities from citizens by always blaming politicians and other leaders, same applies in football where the media always blame the coach even when it’s obvious that the players are at fault.

Most people copied this by applying it in their lives. Always giving one reason or the other for things they are supposed to be responsible for. Blaming circumstances is one thing, but blaming people especially those close to you is something else. It ends up destroying healthy relationships, it kills your positive influence on others and yourself which in turn complicate life. Learn to take responsibilities for your actions and inactions.


blaming is a characteristic of losers; winners take responsibility for their lives and make their dreams a reality.



never hide away your true self, you never know who’s going to love the self that you are desperately trying to hide

Life indeed is very simple, we tend to complicate our lives and blame life itself, and the society has helped in achieving that goal. They compare, judge, criticize and even condemn people for being who they are. In response, people tend to live a fake life so they could fit into this fake society we live in today.

It takes a lot of courage to be yourself. Copying others is easier but it has a negative impact on our life. You’ll end up doing things you don’t fancy or that are uncomfortable for you so you can keep up with the fake life you created for yourself.

We are all unique. We all have abilities and something that we carry that will make us stand out. All we need to do is to dig into that part of us, find out that which makes us unique and water that abilities we have and you will see others also looking up to you. Though people will criticize and make fun of you.

Such people are not strong enough to express their own originality and it makes them miserable to see someone else doing it. So, they pour their displeasures and jealousy on you till u give up on being who you are. Quit copying others so you won’t complicate your life.

Toba Beta

fake sucks


Eraldo Banovac

concerning mistake, follow three simple rules. Firstly, correct a mistake that you made whenever is possible. Secondly, don’t repeat the same mistake. Thirdly, learn from a past mistake.

Whenever you intend doing something new, mistakes are inevitable. It is your job to identify such a mistake, learn from it and try something new. You can’t do the same thing twice and expect a different result. The first time, it’s a mistake, the second time it’s called a choice. Are u failing in school, business, relationship etc. try approaching it in another way and see yourself excelling in ways you can never imagine. Learn from past mistakes, quit repeating them and see yourself reducing the complications surrounding your life.

Harvey Mackay

one mistake will never kill you. The same mistake over and over again will.



Eight Simple Steps to Realize Your Life’s Dreams

The Top Nine Approaches to Embracing a Simple Lifestyle

Nine Key Principles for Leading a Fulfilling Life

6 Key Categories of Self-Care for a Positive and Fulfilling Life

Embracing a Life Guided by Integrity


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