
KPMG Graduate Trainee Recruitment 2020/2021 for Young Nigerians

The KPMG Graduate Trainee Recruitment is currently ongoing. Applications are being received from interested parties to fill in the available recruitment positions. Myinfoconnect keeps you up to date with the latest Job, Scholarships, and Opportunities. SEE ALSO: PTDF Postgraduate Scholarship Scheme for Nigerians to Study Overseas 2020/2021 (Study in UK, France, Germany, China, and Malaysia)…Read more

World Health Organization, WHO Internship Programme 2020 for Graduate and Postgraduate Students

World Health Organization (WHO) is now accepting applications from eligible Graduate and Postgraduate Students around the world for its 2020 World Health Organization internship programme. The deadline for submission of applications for WHO Internship Programme is 25th February 2020 A competent and dynamic health workforce at the heart of each health system is essential to advance global health…Read more

2019 Undergraduate Internship Programme at Seplat Petroleum Development Company (SEPLAT) | SEPLAT Internship Programme 2019

We bring you realtime update on the Seplat Internship Programme 2019. This post contains details of the program and how you can successfully apply. Seplat Petroleum Development Company (SEPLAT) is a Nigerian independent oil and gas company listed on both the London and Nigerian stock exchanges with a strategic focus in the Niger Delta of…Read more