Two Simple Methods to Attain Baby-Soft Hands

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Who doesn’t aspire to have hands as soft and tender as a baby’s? Achieving baby-soft hands doesn’t have to be a complex endeavor.

Our hands happen to be one of the most beautiful parts of our body. At that, keeping it attractive is not a bad idea. One of the ways to keep it attractive is to make it as soft as possible. Hard hands are often caused by dryness of the hands or the body reactions to several chemicals.

However, in this article, we’ll be taking a look at only two ways in which we can make our hands as soft as that of a baby.

Baby-Soft Hands

2 easy ways to get soft hands like that of a baby

  1. Vaseline

Vaseline is known for its ability to lock in moisture. If used properly, it can also help to lock in moisture on your skin. Just follow these simple steps to get those baby soft hands again.

  1. Wash your hands with soap and water

As simple as this may sound, people, don’t see the need to do it unless they want to wash something off their hands. Washing your hands with soap and water helps to moisturize your hands. However, this moisture won’t stay, that’s when Vaseline comes in.

  1. Rub Vaseline on your hands

Just like I said earlier, rubbing Vaseline on your skin helps to lock in moisture on your skin. After drying your hands with a towel, rub Vaseline on your hands thoroughly. Make sure you rub it everywhere including the spaces in between your fingers.

  1. Cover with socks or gloves

Covering your hands with glove or socks helps the Vaseline work well on your hands. Also, it generates the right amount of heat to speed up the process. It is a reaction after all.

  1. A mixture of olive oil and sugar

This mixture has the abilities to soften one’s hands. The steps are explained below.

  1. Preparation

Take ½ teaspoon of olive oil and 1 teaspoon of sugar and put in a bowl. Mix them together until the sugar has mixed well with the olive oil.

  1. Application of mixture

Apply the mixture on your hands and scrub properly. After, that wash your hands with soap and water. You can repeat the process until you get your desired result.

Feel free to use both method for quicker and a more effective result. Remember, soft hands are the best. Kindly leave your comments below and don’t forget to use the comment section.


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