After JAMB, What Next? See 8 Things To Do After JAMB Exam

After JAMB, What Next? Things To Do After JAMB Exam
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After writing your JAMB and checking your JAMB result. Now, What Next? What are the things to do after JAMB Exam?

For those who might have failed Jamb, there are no many options. What you need to do now is to get a job or learn skills and prepare for next year’s JAMB.

Also, know this! Failing JAMB is not the end of life and it doesn’t mean that you are a failure. NO! Time and chance happen to everything. You can do better next year and get your admission.

Now, for those of you who passed Jamb, congratulations. But there is still much to do. You must put structures in place so that you don’t fail to gain admission. Passing is not a guarantee that your admission is sure.

SEE ALSO: How JAMB Give Admission

What Jamb Caps is all About | Frequently Asked Questions

Things To Do After Jamb 2020

1. Know Your Score And Institution Cut Off Mark:

Check your Jamb score and see whether you reached your choice of institution cut off mark. If yes, good… But if no, see number 3.

SEE ALSO: JAMB Cut off Mark for 2020/2021 Admission in Nigerian Schools

2. Know Your Course Specific Cut Off Mark:

You need to know your course-specific cut off mark or departmental cut off mark. After confirming that you have crossed your school’s general cut off mark, the next step is to see whether you can be admitted with your score.

3. Consider Whether To Change School Or Course:

If your score is not enough for your first choice school, then consider getting a change of institution form.

4. Be Patient:

After Jamb, there usually this zeal to go to school. You have to wait for Post Utme forms to be out. Calm down so that your blood pressure doesn’t rise above normal.

5. Learn A Skill:

Jamb releases the first batch admission status around September. You have a lot of time to learn a skill or find a job.

6. Be Updated About Your School’s Screening Form and Date:

Stay connected to to keep track of when Post UTME Form and Exam dates will be announced.

SEE ALSO: Download POST UTME Past Questions and Answers

7. Wait For Your School’s Admission List:

After your admission screening exercise, the next thing is to wait for your school to release the Admission list. This is the list of candidates that have been admitted into the institution for that particular academic session. The admission list is usually released a month or two after the admission screening exercise.

8. Go for Your Admission Clearance/Registration:

If your name is on your school’s admission list, that means you have been offered provisional admission. CONGRATULATIONS!

To confirm your admission you will be required to undergo clearance and registration process in the school you have been offered provisional admission. After that, you are a bonafide student of that school.

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