Six Indicators That Your Girlfriend’s Affections Have Waned

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Girlfriend's Affections Have Waned

Within the context of a romantic relationship, several signs might indicate that your girlfriend’s affections have waned.

This term girlfriend here is used to represent both girlfriend and wife. The moment they fall out of love for you, trust me your life becomes somewhat miserable if you still love them.

If you’ve been questioning your girlfriend/wife love for you, just look out for these signs so you can know if indeed you’ve lost the love of your life.

6 signs your girlfriend doesn’t love you anymore

  1. She rarely asks about your life

She doesn’t care anymore. So, she doesn’t ask about your day, your life etc. It gets to a point you start wishing she show more concern by inquiring how you are fairing. However, she has just wholly become disinterested in you and your personality. It’s as if she doesn’t care about you at this point.

  1. She doesn’t appreciate your effort.

She no longer cares about how hard you try to make her happy anymore. Sometimes, she might even shut you down when you try to do something beautiful for her.

  1. She now takes unilateral decisions.

Unlike before when your opinion matters. This time around she doesn’t care about them and don’t seek them. It doesn’t matter to her anymore whether you are okay with her choices or not.

Once she feels comfortable doing anything she pleases, she doesn’t care to seek your thoughts or input about it.

  1. She leaves you to take unilateral decisions.

She leaves you to take any decision concerning you even when she knows what’s best for you. Even when you try to seek her opinion on things, she’ll tell you to do whatever pleases you.

  1. She pulls you down her priority list.

Unlike when you used to be her everything, her top priority etc. this time you become an option to her. She spends more time with her friends than she spends with you. Even when you confront her about it, it doesn’t seem to change anything whatsoever.


  1. Communication reduces drastically

Lack of communication is the most effective silent relationship killers. This trick is deliberately used when one party wants an end to a relationship. When a girl doesn’t love you anymore, she will seem so busy 24/7 that she wouldn’t have time to communicate with you. When you confront her, there will always be a reason why she couldn’t pick up the call, meet up with you etc.


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