JAMB Recommended Books for French

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To all Jambites who will be offering French in the 2020 JAMB, here is a list of the JAMB Recommended Books for French which you will have to study.

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JAMB Recommended Books for French

A (i) Written Language

  • Ajiboye, T. (2014) Companion to French Grammar (4th Edition): Ibadan: Cleavoketa books
  • Ajiboye, T. (2012) Nouvel Horizon, Book 4, New Revised Edition, Ibadan: Bounty Press
  • Byrne and Churchill (1980) A Comprehensive French Grammar,
  • Hatier (1980) Le Nouveau Bescherelle: L’Art de Conjuguer, Ibadan: Spectrum Book Ltd.
  • Maice, G et Merlo, G : (1998): Grammaire progressive du français ( Niveau intermediaire), Paris: Clé international.
  • Mazauric,. C, et Sirejols, E(2006) : On y va! Book 3, Ibadan : Spectrun Books Ltd.
  • Ojo, S. A.(2000) A Comprehensive Revision Handbook of French Grammar, Ibadan: Agoro Publishing Company.
  • Any other relevant materials on French Grammar.(ii) Oral:
    • Ajiboye, T. (2010) An Introduction to Practice in Oral French, Ibadan: Bounty Press.
    • Leon, M. (1978) Initiation à la Prononciation du Français Standard.
    • Any other materials that emphasise oral practice

    (B) Culture of Froncophone Countries

    • Girod R and Ground-Clement, F. (1979) Comment vivent les Francais, Paris: Hachette Mbuko, L. (2000) French Essays on Culture and Civilisation for Schools and College Ibadan: Bounty Press.
    • Any other relevant materials, e.g. French newspapers, magazines, journals, and documents on Francophone life.
    • Wisdomline Pass at Once JAMB.

    (C) Dictionary

    • Any good French/English or French dictionary

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