Fun and Easy Cooking and Baking Recipes Your Kids Will Love

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Cooking and baking with kids is a fun way to keep them productively engaged, especially during the holidays. It is also one way to bond with your kids and interact with them.


Kids need a structured daily routine or else they’ll interrupt your plans all day long.

Cooking and baking fun and easy recipes will not just keep them engaged but will equip them early with this important life skill.


From pancakes to popcorn, meat pies, and bread, there are a lot of recipes your kids will love. There are also a lot of advantages of cooking and baking with your kids. It builds their confidence, promotes creativity, and encourages healthy eating habits.


For example, research shows that if you’ve got picky eaters, engaging them in the cooking process will increase their interest in the dish and make them eat more. To get them even more interested, have them suggest a recipe they like or something they read in a book or watched on TV.


Cooking and Baking Recipes

Read on to discover some fun and easy cooking and baking recipes your kids will love. These recipes are simple, safe, full of flavor, packed with nutrition, and enjoyable for kids of all ages. Whether you’re looking for a hearty breakfast, a healthy snack, or a sweet treat, we’ve got you covered.


Six Recipes you can Cook or Bake with your Kids

Can you remember the first time you ventured into the kitchen? The different flavors, textures, and the beauty of transforming ingredients into a meal was fascinating, wasn’t it?

Cooking and baking with your kids is an exciting experience that can take you down memory lane. Here are six recipes you can try out with your little chefs.

Recipe 1: Banana Pancakes

Who doesn’t love waking up to the smell of fresh pancakes? This quick healthy breakfast recipe will surely become your kids’ favorite. It takes approximately 15 minutes to prepare. The sweetness of the bananas eliminates the need for sugar, making this a healthy recipe. Here’s how to prepare banana pancakes;

Ingredients for Making Banana Pancakes

1 cup all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 egg
1 cup of milk
2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
2 ripe bananas


Mash the bananas in a bowl
Whisk the egg and add to the mashed banana
Add the baking powder and milk and whisk it all together. Let your kids do the mashing and whisking
Add the flour and vegetable oil and mix well to form a fluffy batter
Then pour the batter onto a griddle or non-stick pan and flip when bubbles appear
Top with fresh fruits or a drizzle of honey for an added treat

Recipe 2: Mini Pizzas

Mini pizzas make a quick snack, brunch, or dinner. It doubles as an engaging activity for kids and is a great way to sneak some veggies into their diet.

This recipe is not only delicious but also helps your kids learn about different ingredients and their flavors. Here’s how to make mini pizzas with your kids.

Ingredients for Making Mini Pizzas

All-purpose flour
Olive oil
Pizza sauce
Toppings (meatballs, tomatoes, green pepper, shredded chicken, etc)

Cooking and Baking Recipes


Add the water, yeast, and sugar to a large bowl
Add the oil, salt, and flour
Mix until it is crumbly
Transfer to a chopping board and knead until it forms a smooth and stretchy dough
Shape the dough into a ball and put it in a bowl. Cover and let it sit for 30 minutes for the dough to rise
Chop the toppings into small bits
Spread the dough in a circle, poke holes around it with a fork, and brush the edges with olive oil
Bake in the oven for 5 minutes at 450 degrees
Remove the dough and spread one cup of sauce on it
Top with cheese and preferred toppings
Put back in the oven and cook for 10-15 minutes more
Let it cool for about 5 minutes before slicing and serving

Recipe 3: Chocolate Chip Cookies

Nothing says “I love baking” like chocolate chip cookies. This easy recipe is a sweet way to introduce your kids to baking. With a few simple ingredients and steps, your little bakers will be able to make these delightful treats.

Ingredients for Making Chocolate Chip Cookies

Baking soda
Brown sugar
White sugar
Vanilla extract
Chocolate chips


Mix the flour, baking soda, and salt in one bowl.
In another bowl, cream the butter, white sugar, and brown sugar until smooth
Then beat in the eggs and vanilla extract
Gradually add the dry ingredients and stir to form a dough
Add the chocolate chips and mix well
Scoop spoonfuls of the dough onto a baking sheet
Bake for 8-10 minutes at 375 degrees

Recipe 4: Vegetable Omelette

Eggs are important in your kids’ diet. It supplies them with vitamin D. Combining eggs with fresh vegetables makes it even healthier and more nutritious.

Vegetable omelette is easy to cook and can be eaten with bread for breakfast. Here’s how to prepare vegetable omelette;

Ingredients for Vegetable Omelette

Vegetables of choice (onions, tomatoes, carrots, green pepper, spring onion, etc)
3 eggs
Vegetable oil


Chop vegetables into small bits
Add two tablespoons of vegetable oil to the skillet
Saute for about 4-5 minutes, until they become tender, yet still crisp  
Remove from skillet and set aside
Whisk the eggs with a tablespoon of water and a pinch of salt
Oil the skillet, allow it to get hot, and add the whisked eggs
Allow the egg to cook for a bit and then add the sauteed vegetables to one side
Fold into two and flip the omelette to let the other side cook
Serve with any accompaniment of your choice

Recipe 5: Homemade Popcorn

Popcorn is very easy to make. You can quickly get your kids to prepare it with you just before you see a movie, play a game, or go on a picnic. It can be snacked on while seeing a movie as well as on a picnic.

You just need three ingredients to get your popcorn popping in less than ten minutes. Here’s how to prepare homemade popcorn:

Ingredients for Homemade Popcorn

3 tablespoons of vegetable or coconut oil
1 cup of popcorn kernels


Place a large pot over high heat and ass the oil
The oil should just cover the bottom of the pan
Add the popcorn kernels to the hot oil
Shake the pot to ensure the kennels form a single layer at the bottom of the pot
Cover the pot and reduce the heat to medium
Once the kernels start popping, shake the pot often and listen to the pace
When the pace reduces, turn off the heat
Open the pot and add salt
Mix well and serve

Recipe 6: Sandwich

I’m guessing like most kids I know, your kid likes bread as well. If that’s the case, then a healthy sandwich is one recipe they should add to their arsenal.

Asides from being easy to make and pack for lunch, it is also nutritious and filling.

Ingredients for Sandwich

10 slices of bread
3 eggs
Nutmeg powder


Spread butter on both parts of the bread
Whisk the eggs with nutmeg powder and spread to one side of the buttered bread
Mash the sardine and add to the bread
Cover with another slice of buttered bread
Toast for a few minutes
Serve with your preferred beverage

Safety Tips and Guidelines for Cooking and Baking with Kids

Cooking and baking with kids is an interesting and enjoyable experience, fostering creativity and building valuable life skills. However, it is crucial to prioritize safety in the kitchen to ensure that the adventure remains fun and accident-free.

Some essential safety tips and guidelines to follow when cooking and baking with kids include:

1. Always have an adult present in the kitchen when kids are cooking or baking and ensure they wear safety materials like oven mitts
2. Assign age-appropriate tasks to kids based on their developmental abilities. Younger children can assist with washing fruits and vegetables or stirring ingredients. Older kids can handle more complex tasks with proper guidance
3. Teach kids how to handle sharp utensils like knives and graters with caution. Supervise them closely when using these tools and consider providing child-friendly versions with rounded edges

Cooking and Baking Recipes

4. Demonstrate how to use kitchen appliances safely, such as food processors, blenders, and mixers.  
5. Educate kids about the dangers of hot surfaces like stovetops and oven doors. Instruct them to always use oven mitts or potholders when handling hot cookware or dishes

Cooking and baking with kids can be a wonderful bonding experience. It’s a chance to spend quality time together, create lasting memories, and instill a love for homemade food.  

We hope you try out these recipes with your kids. Ensure you follow the safety tips to prevent accidents while cooking. And remember to teach them interesting facts about ingredients as you cook with them. Happy cooking!



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