Table of Contents
For all applicants for admission into the Makerere University, Uganda here is a full list of the MAK Cut Off Points for all Courses like Medicine and Surgery, Law, Engineering, e.t.c. This also contains the Cut Off points for the Screening
The Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES) through the Public Universities Joint Admissions Board (PUJAB) releases fresh cut-off points every academic year for Academic Programmes under the Government Sponsorship Scheme.
The Office of the Academic Registrar, Makerere University, in turn, releases fresh cut-off points every academic year for Academic Programmes.
A Cut Off Point is a benchmark in which a student must meet in his/her PUJAB Examination so as to be considered for direct admission by the management of the institution he/she wishes to attend.
Makerere University Cut Off Point for All Courses 2023/2024
Below are the Cut Off Points for both Government Sponsorship and Private Students at Makerere University for various courses.
Government Sponsorship Cut Off Points MAK and MUBS Courses
1. Bachelor of Business Administration MAK………………….. ADM 48.4
2. Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering MAK………………….. AGE 45.6
3. Bachelor of Agribusiness Management MAK………………….. AGM 45.2
4. Bachelor of Science in Agriculture MAK………………….. AGR 38.4
5. Bachelor of Architecture MAK………………….. ARC 48.5
6. Bachelor of Agricultural Land use and Management MAK………………….. BAM 35.6
7. Bachelor of Animal Production Technology and Management MAK………………….. BAP 38.4
8. Bachelor of Agricultural and Rural Innovation MAK………………….. BAR 40.3
9. Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering MAK………………….. BBI 48.0
10. Bachelor of Science in Business Statistics MAK………………….. BBS 47.1
11. Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology MAK………………….. BBT 40.8
12. Bachelor of Science in Conservation Biology MAK………………….. BCB 32.3
13. Bachelor of Community Psychology MAK………………….. BCO 48.6
14. Bachelor of Arts in Drama and Film MAK………………….. BDF 48.4
15. Bachelor of Dental Surgery MAK………………….. BDS 43.7
16. Bachelor of Environmental Health Science MAK………………….. BEH 40.9
17. Bachelor of Science in Fisheries and Aquaculture MAK………………….. BFS 37.6
18. Bachelor of Science in Industrial Chemistry MAK………………….. BIC 47.3
19. Bachelor of Industrial and Organisation Psychology MAK………………….. BIP 49.4
20. Bachelor of Science in Medical Radiography MAK………………….. BMR 40.3
21. Bachelor of Science in Meteorology MAK………………….. BMT 45.8
22. Bachelor of Science in Forestry MAK………………….. BOF 42.0
23. Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Geoscience and Production MAK………………….. BPG 50.8
24. Bachelor of Science in Population Studies MAK………………….. BPS 47.8
25. Bachelor of Optometry MAK………………….. BPT 43.4
26. Bachelor of Science in Quantitative Economics MAK………………….. BQE 47.7
27. Bachelor of Records & Archives Management (Science) MAK………………….. BRA 40.4
28. Bachelor of Records & Archives Management (Arts) MAK………………….. BRA 49.0
29 .Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences MAK………………….. BSB 43.6
30. Bachelor of Science in Speech and Language Therapy MAK………………….. BSL 38.8
31. Bachelor of Sports Science MAK………………….. BSP 33.9
32. Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering MAK………………….. BSW 49.5
33. Bachelor of Science in Tourism & Hospitality MAK………………….. BTH 46.9
34. Bachelor of Environmental Science MAK………………….. BVS 40.1
35. Bachelor of Cytotechnology MAK………………….. BYT 41.0
36. Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering MAK………………….. CIV 52.6
37. Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering MAK………………….. CMP 47.3
38. Bachelor of Commerce MAK………………….. COE 49.0
39. Bachelor of Science in Computer Science MAK………………….. CSC 44.1
40. Bachelor of Arts in Development Economics MAK………………….. DEC 49.8
41. Bachelor of Arts in Economics MAK………………….. ECO 41.0
42. Bachelor of Arts with Education-Literature MAK………………….. EDA 48.9
43. Bachelor of Arts with Education-Kiswahili MAK………………….. EDA 50.3
44. Bachelor of Arts with Education-French MAK………………….. EDA 43.3
45. Bachelor of Arts with Education-German MAK………………….. EDA 32.8
46. Bachelor of Science with Education-Biological MAK………………….. EDB 38.1
47. Bachelor of Science with Education-Physical MAK………………….. EDP 43.3
48. Bachelor of Science with Education-Economics MAK………………….. EEC 42.5
49. Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering MAK………………….. ELE 50.7
50. Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Technology MAK………………….. FST 40.2
51. Bachelor of Industrial and Fine Arts MAK………………….. FIN 45.2
52. Bachelor of Science in Horticulture MAK………………….. HOT 35.3
53. Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition MAK………………….. HUN 40.3
54. Bachelor of Information Systems & Technology MAK………………….. IST 46.4
55. Bachelor of Library and Information Science (Science) MAK………………….. LIS 42.7
56. Bachelor of Library and Information Science (Arts) MAK………………….. LIS 48.0
57. Bachelor of Science in Land Surveying and Geomatics MAK………………….. LSG 47.8
58. Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor Surgery MAK………………….. MAM 45.5
59. Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering MAK………………….. MEC 48.9
60. Bachelor of Biomedical Laboratory Technology 2 MAK………………….. MLT 43.6
61. Bachelor of Arts in Music MAK………………….. MUS 46.7
62. Bachelor of Science (Nursing) MAK………………….. NUR-F 42.5
63. Bachelor of Science (Nursing) MAK………………….. NUR-M 43.5
64. Bachelor of Pharmacy MAK………………….. PHA 44.0
65. Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science MAK………………….. SAS 41.0
66. Bachelor of Science-Biological MAK………………….. SCB 37.4
67. Bachelor of Science in Construction Management MAK………………….. SCM 46.6
68. Bachelor of Science-Physical MAK………………….. SCP 41.2
69. Bachelor of Science-Economics MAK………………….. SEC 42.0
70. Bachelor of Science in Land Economics MAK…………...…….. SLE 47.1
71. Bachelor of Social Work MAK………………….. SOC 48.7
72. Bachelor of Science in Quantity Surveying MAK………………….. SQS 48.6
73. Bachelor of Statistics MAK………………….. STA 37.3
74. Bachelor of Science in Telecommunications Engineering MAK………………….. STE 48.6
75. Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine MAK………………….. VET 41.0
76. Bachelor of Science in Wild Life Health and Management MAK………………….. WHM 40.8
77. Bachelor of Business Computing MUBS………………….. BBC 48.8
78. Bachelor of Business Administration MUBS………………….. BBD 45.8
79. Bachelor of Entrepreneurship & Small Business Mgt MUBS………………….. BES 48.7
80. Bachelor of International Business MUBS………………….. BIB 49.4
81. Bachelor of Office and Information Management MUBS………………….. BIM 47.1
82. Bachelor of Leisure and Hospitality Management MUBS………………….. BLH 48.2
83. Bachelor of Commerce MUBS………………….. COM 45.6
84. Bachelor of Procurement andSupply Chain Management MUBS………………….. PSM 49.6
Read on: Makerere University Essential Subject Combination 2023/2024

Makerere University Private Students Admission Cut Off Points 2023/2024
Cut Off Points for Private Students at Makerere University is as follows:
Programme | Code | Cut Off Points | |
1 | Bachelor of Science in Accounting (Evening) MUBS | ACC | 30.2 |
2 | Bachelor of Business Administration (Day) Jinja – Mak. | ADJ | 13.6 |
3 | Bachelor of Business Administration (Day) Mak. | ADM | 37.9 |
4 | Bachelor of Business Administration (Evening) Mak. | ADN | 33.0 |
5 | Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering (Day) | AGE | 34.2 |
6 | Bachelor of Agribusiness Management (Day) | AGM | 31.2 |
7 | Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (Day) | AGR | 26.9 |
8 | Bachelor of Architecture (Day) | ARC | 44.8 |
9 | Bachelor of Arts (Arts) – Day | ARS | 13.8 |
10 | Bachelor of Science in Accounting (Evening) Arua – MUBS | ASA | – |
11 | Bachelor Arts (Social Sciences) (Evening) | ASE | 21.3 |
12 | Bachelor of Arts (Social Sciences) (Day) | ASS | 25.4 |
13 | Bachelor of Adult and Community Education (Day) | BAC | 15.8 |
14 | Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Land Use & Management (Day) | BAM | 21.2 |
15 | Bachelor of Animal Production Technology & Management (Day) | BAP | 18.2 |
16 | Bachelor of Agricultural and Rural Innovation (Day) | BAR | 25.7 |
17 | Bachelor of Agricultural and Rural Innovation (External) | BAX | 14.8 |
18 | Bachelor of Business Administration (Evening) MUBS | BBA | 19.7 |
19 | Bachelor of Business Computing (Day) | BBC | 23.0 |
20 | Bachelor of Business Administration (Day) MUBS | BBD | 28.0 |
21 | Bachelor of Business Computing (Evening) MUBS | BBE | 24.9 |
22 | Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering (Day) | BBI | 36.9 |
23 | Bachelor of Business Computing (Jinja) Day | BBJ | 17.8 |
24 | Bachelor of Business Statistics (Day) Makerere | BBS | 25.6 |
25 | Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology (Day) | BBT | 25.1 |
26 | Bachelor of Science in Conservation Biology (Day) | BCB | 16.8 |
27 | Bachelor of Adult and Community Education (Evening) | BCE | 13.5 |
28 | Bachelor of Catering & Hotel Mananement (Day) | BCM | 17.1 |
29 | Bachelor of Community Psychology (Day) | BCO | 23.8 |
30 | Bachelor of Arts in Drama and Film (Day) | BDF | 16.4 |
31 | Bachelor of Dental Surgery (Day) | BDS | 39.8 |
32 | Bacholor of Arts in Economics (Day) MUBS | BEC | 18.2 |
33 | Bachelor of Environmental Health Science | BEH | 28.7 |
34 | Bachelor of Entreprenuership and Small Business Management (Jinja ) Day | BEJ | 17.1 |
35 | Bachelor of Community Psychology (Evening) | BEP | 20.0 |
36 | Bachelor of Enterprenuership & Small Business Management (Day) MUBS | BES | 15.2 |
37 | Bachelor of Science in Fisheries and Aquaculture (Day) | BFS | 16.3 |
38 | Bachelor of Geographical Sciences (Day) | BGS | 19.4 |
39 | Bachelor of Human Resource Management (Evening) MUBS | BHE | 25.3 |
40 | Bachelor of Human Resource Management (Day) MUBS | BHM | 28.2 |
41 | Bachelor of Information Systems & Technology (Eveing) Jinja – Mak | BIA | 18.7 |
42 | Bachelor of International Business (Day) MUBS | BIB | 18.8 |
43 | Bachelor of Science in Industrial Chemistry (Day) | BIC | 35.2 |
44 | Bachelor of Office and Information Management (Day) | BIM | 16.3 |
45 | Bachelor of Industrial & Organisation Psychology (Day) | BIP | 27.3 |
46 | Bachelor of Business Computing (Jinja) Evening | BJB | 17.9 |
47 | Bachelor of Journalism & Communication (Day) | BJC | 43.7 |
48 | Bachelor of Journalism & Communication (Evening) | BJE | 41.0 |
49 | Bachelor of Commerce (Jinja – MUBS) Evening | BJJ | 11.2 |
50 | Bachelor of Commerce (Jinja – MUBS) Day | BJO | 7.9 |
51 | Bachelor of Science in Accounting Jinja – MUBS | BJS | 17.9 |
52 | Bachelor of Industrial Livestock and Business (Day) | BLB | 17.6 |
53 | Bachelor of Library and Information Science (Evening) | BLE | 19.7 |
54 | Bachelor Leadership and Governance (Day) | BLG | 16.6 |
55 | Bachelor of Leasure and Hospitality Management (Day) | BLH | 17.6 |
56 | Bachelor of Biomedical Laboratory Technology (Evening) | BLT | 27.3 |
57 | Bachelor of Science in Accounting (Mbarara) Day | BMA | 16.8 |
58 | Bachelor of Science in Marketing (Evening) | BME | 15.8 |
59 | Bachelor of Business Administration (Mbale) MUBS | BML | 12.2 |
60 | Bachelor of Business Adminstration (Day) Mbarara | BMM | 14.9 |
61 | Bachelor of Science in Medical Radiography (Day) | BMR | 28.8 |
62 | Bachelor of Science in Meteorology (Day) | BMT | 28.9 |
63 | Bachelor of Business Administration (Evening) Mbarara – MUBS | BNM | 13.3 |
64 | Bachelor of Science in Forestry | BOF | 24.1 |
65 | Bachelor of Industrial & organisational Psychology (Evening) | BOP | 22.2 |
66 | Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Geoscience and Production (Day) | BPG | 36.1 |
67 | Bachelor of Population Studies (Day) | BPS | 17.1 |
68 | Bachelor of Optometry (Day) | BPT | 38.5 |
69 | Bachelor of Science in Quantitative Economic (Day) | BQE | 28.2 |
70 | Bachelor of Records & Archives Management (Day) | BRA | 32.2 |
71 | Bachelor of Catering and Hotel Management (Day) Jinja – MUBS | BRC | 17.5 |
72 | Bachelor of Records & Archives Management (Evening) | BRE | 23.0 |
73 | Bachelor of Business Administration (Day) Jinja – MUBS | BRJ | 14.4 |
74 | Bachelor of Real Estate Business Management (Day) | BRM | 16.9 |
75 | Bachelor of Business Administration (Eveing) Jinja – MUBS | BRO | 16.1 |
76 | Bachelor of Science in Accounting (Day) MUBS | BSA | 33.2 |
77 | Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Sciences (Day) | BSB | 36.5 |
78 | Bachelor of Science in Finance (Day) MUBS | BSF | 25.0 |
79 | Bachelor of Information Systems & Technology (Eveing) | BSI | 15.1 |
80 | Bachelor of Information Systems and Technology (Day) Jinja – Mak | BSJ | 17.7 |
81 | Bachelor of Science of Speech & Language Therapy (Day) | BSL | 26.2 |
82 | Bachelor of Science in Marketing (Evening) | BSM | 15.5 |
83 | Bachelor of Sports Science (Day) | BSP | 29.9 |
84 | Bachelor of Business Administration (Evening) Arua – MUBS | BSU | 15.7 |
85 | Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering (Day) | BSW | 33.8 |
86 | Bachelor of International Business (Evening) | BTB | 20.7 |
87 | Bachelor of Science in Tourism and Hospitality Management (Day) | BTH | 22.5 |
88 | Bachelor of Travel & Tourism Management (Day) | BTT | 16.4 |
89 | Bachelor of Urban & Regional Planning (Day) | BUP | 36.4 |
90 | Bachelor of Business Statistics (Day) MUBS | BUS | 11.6 |
91 | Bachelor of Environmental Science (Day) | BVS | 23.7 |
92 | Bachelor of Cytotechnology (Day) | BYT | 29.9 |
93 | Bachelor of Youth Development Work (Day) | BYW | 16.4 |
94 | Bachelor of Commerce (Evening) | CEO | 25.7 |
95 | Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (Afternoon) | CIA | 44.7 |
96 | Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (Day) | CIV | 45.8 |
97 | Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering (Evening) | CME | 39.6 |
98 | Bachelor of Commerce (Day) Mbarara – MUBS | CMM | 9.1 |
99 | Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering (Day) | CMP | 36.5 |
100 | Bachelor of Commerce (Evening) MUBS | COB | 20.5 |
101 | Bachelor of Commerce (Day) Makerere | COE | 31.6 |
102 | Bachelor of Commerce (Day) Jinja – Mak. | COJ | 10.3 |
103 | Bachelor of Commerce (Day) MUBS | COM | 22.1 |
104 | Bachelor of Commerce (External) | COX | 8.2 |
105 | Bachelor of Procurement & Supply Chain Management (Day) Jinja – MUBS | CRJ | 16.2 |
106 | Bachelor of Procurement & Supply Chain Management (Eve) Jinja – MUBS | CRO | 18.9 |
107 | Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (Day) Makerere | CSC | 27.2 |
108 | Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (Evening) Makerere | CSE | 18.5 |
109 | Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (Day) Jinja – Mak. | CSJ | 18.7 |
110 | Bachelor of Arts of Development Economics (Day) | DEC | 34.2 |
111 | Bachelor of Arts in Development Economics (Evening) | DEE | 17.9 |
112 | Bachelor of Arts in Development Economics (Day) Jinja – Mak. | DEJ | 24.2 |
113 | Diploma in Performing Arts (Day) | DPA | 17.1 |
114 | Bachelor of Development Studies (Evening) Mak | DVE | 22.1 |
115 | Bachelor of Development Studies (Day) Jinja – Mak. | DVJ | 13.7 |
116 | Bachelor of Development Studies (Day) Mak. | DVS | 26.5 |
117 | Bachelor of Arts in Economics (Eve) Mak | ECE | 18.3 |
118 | Bachelor of Arts in Economics (Jinja – Mak) Day | ECJ | 10.5 |
119 | Bachelor of Arts in Economics (Day) Mak | ECO | 27.3 |
120 | Bachelor of Arts with Education (Day) | EDA | 24.0 |
121 | Bachelor of Science with Education (Biological) Day | EDB | 22.0 |
122 | Bachelor of Science with Education (Physical) Day | EDP | 21.7 |
123 | Bachelor of Entreprenuership and Small Business Management (Arua) Eve | EEA | 0.0 |
124 | Bachelor of Science with Education (Economics) Day | EEC | 18.6 |
125 | Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (Afternoon) | ELA | 43.0 |
126 | Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (Day) | ELE | 42.9 |
127 | Bachelor of Industrial & Fine Art (Day) | FIN | 29.9 |
128 | Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Technology (Day) | FST | 32.0 |
129 | Bachelor of Human Resource Management (Day) Mbale | HML | 17.5 |
130 | Bachelor of Human Resource Management (Day) Mbarara – MUBS | HNM | 15.6 |
131 | Bachelor of Science in Horticulture (Day) | HOT | 28.0 |
132 | Bachelor of Human Resource Management (Day) Jinja – MUBS | HSJ | 15.9 |
133 | Bachelor of Human Resource Management (Jinja) Evening | HSO | 19.7 |
134 | Bachelor in Science in Human Nutrition | HUN | 30.6 |
135 | Bachelor of Information Systems and Technology | IST | 24.4 |
136 | Bachelor of Business Administration (Afternoon) Jinja – Mak | JAA | 16.0 |
137 | Bachelor of Entreprenuership and Small Business Management (Evening) Jinja | JBB | 15.0 |
138 | Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (Afternoon) Jinja – Mak | JCA | 19.0 |
139 | Bachelor of Arts in Development Economics (Afternoon) Jinja – Mak | JDA | 17.5 |
140 | Bachelor of Commerce (Afternoon) Jinja – Mak | JOA | 10.9 |
141 | Bachelor of Library and Information Science (Day) | LIS | 28.8 |
142 | Bachelor of Science in Land Surveying & Geomatics (Afternoon) | LSE | 43.4 |
143 | Bachelor of Science in Land Surveying & Geomatics (Day) | LSG | 39.9 |
144 | Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery (Day) | MAM | 41.4 |
145 | Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (Afternoon) | MEA | 39.5 |
146 | Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (Day) | MEC | 40.4 |
147 | Bachelor of Biomedical Laboratory Technology (Day) | MLT | 31.3 |
148 | Bachelor of Travel & Tourism Management (Mbarara) Day | MTM | 16.6 |
149 | Bachelor of Arts in Music (Day) | MUS | 16.1 |
150 | Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Day) | NUR | 39.1 |
151 | Bachelor of Pharmancy (Day) | PHA | 40.5 |
152 | Bachelor of Procurement & Supply Chain Management (Day) Mbale | PML | 17.5 |
153 | Bachelor of Procurement & Supply Chain Management (Day) Mbarara | PMM | 15.8 |
154 | Bachelor of Procurement and Supply Chain Management (Evening) MUBS | PSC | 31.5 |
155 | Bachelor of Procuremennt and Supply Chain Management (Day) MUBS | PSM | 33.7 |
156 | Bachelor of Procurement & Supply Chain Management (Eve) Arua – MUBS | PSU | 14.8 |
157 | Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science (Day) | SAS | 22.8 |
158 | Bachelor of Science in Construction Management (Afternoon) | SCA | 36.5 |
159 | Bachelor of Science (Biological) Day | SCB | 18.0 |
160 | Bachelor of Science in Construction Management (Day) | SCM | 36.0 |
161 | Bachelor of Science (Physical) Day | SCP | 21.0 |
162 | Bachelor of Science (External) | SCX | 14.9 |
163 | Bachelor of Science (Economics) Day | SEC | 17.8 |
164 | Bachelor of Science in Land Economics (Afternoon) | SLA | 38.2 |
165 | Bachelor of Science in Land Economics (Day) | SLE | 36.8 |
166 | Bachelor of Social Work & Social Administration (Day) | SOC | 39.6 |
167 | Bachelor of Science in Quantity Surveying (Afternoon) | SQA | 39.4 |
168 | Bachelor of Science in Quantity Surveying (Day) | SQS | 39.9 |
169 | Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering (Evening) | SSE | 26.0 |
170 | Bachelor of Statistics (Day) | STA | 28.1 |
171 | Bachelor of Science in Telecommunication Engineering (Day) | STE | 39.9 |
172 | Bachelor of Science in Telecommunication Engineering (Afternoon) | STM | 41.0 |
173 | Bachelor of Transport & Logistic Management (Evening) MUBS | TLM | 15.0 |
174 | Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine (Day) | VET | 31.2 |
175 | Bachelor of Science in Wildlife Health Management (Day) | WHM | 16.0 |
Makerere University Cut Off Points 2020 |
Muni University Cut Off Points 2023/2024 | Private and Government Students Uganda
Kyambogo University Cut Off Points 2023/2024
Mbarara University of Science and Technology, MUST Cut Off Points 2023/2024
Gulu University Cut Off Points 2023/2024 | Private and Public Universities in Uganda
Official Uganda Martyrs University Courses and Tuition Fees 2023/2024
How to calculate Cut-off Points
Makerere University uses a straightforward formula to calculate cut off points. The formula is:
Cut off points = (weighted sum of best 4 subjects) + (1 point for the required subject)
Here, the best 4 subjects refer to the four subjects in which you scored the highest marks. The required subject is English Language, and it is mandatory for all courses.
Example of Calculating Cut Off Points
Let’s say that you have sat for the Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) exams and scored the following grades:
- Physics: A
- Mathematics: B
- Economics: B
- Chemistry: C
- Biology: D
- English: B
To calculate your cut off points for Makerere University, you would select your best 4 subjects, which, in this case, are Physics, Mathematics, Economics, and English. You would then assign the following weights to each subject:
- Physics: 3
- Mathematics: 3
- Economics: 3
- English: 1
Read more on How to Calculate Weighting System at Makerere University | Cut off Points
Makerere University Essential Subject Combination 2023/2024
Admission Requirements at Makerere University
The admission requirement for the university is as follows:
Have the Uganda Certificate of Education with at least (five passes), or its equivalent and at least two principal passes at Advanced Level obtained at the same sitting. For day programmes, only candidates who sat “A” Level are eligible to apply. For Evening, Afternoon, and External programmes, a candidate is not restricted on the year of sitting “A” Level.
Hold at least a Second Class or Credit (or equivalent classification) Diploma from a recognised institution, relevant to the programmes applied for. ( Details of the Diploma Admission requirements for the 2020/2021 academic year can be viewed on the notice boards of the undergraduate admissions office notice boards or on Makerere University website:
Get more information on the Cut off points and admission requirements for Makerere University and other Schools on this website. Stick with us for more.
Is this the latest cut off points
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Its thesame for both genders
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