Exploring the Psychology of Doing Good

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“Exploring the Psychology of Doing Good” embarks on a journey to dissect the multifaceted aspects of altruism, compassion, and the inherent desire to make a positive impact on others and the world at large.

Exploring the Psychology of Doing Good

There are certain people we have an obligation to do good to. These includes our Parents, Siblings, Relatives etc. The level of obligation is based on the extent of Connection of the Relationship. All other Relationship is not an obligation but based on the General Principle of Humanity.

Not Everyone you do good for will pay you back in good inclusive of those you have an obligation towards, Usually only good people pay you back in good because that’s all they know while bad people will pay you back in Bad because that is all they know; unfortunately, when you do good for Bad People you must inevitably suffer the consequence of helping a Bad Person before God Almighty will reward you in Multiple-Folds for your Good. Unless you don’t want to do good, do not ever do good expecting a return from that same person because you can’t ever tell if he or she is a good person until your good is reciprocated, so just do good because of God & that you would ultimately be rewarded by him alone. The following ways are a guide to know if somebody is a Bad Person & should be avoided by the FOURTH time of the doing of your good going forward.It is as follows : –
The first time you give somebody something for free ,you create APPRECIATION, the second time you give somebody something for free, you create ANTICIPATION, the third time you give somebody something for free, you create EXPECTATION, the fourth time you give somebody something for free, you are creating ENTITLEMENT, by this time, it is sufficient proof to know that he or she is a Bad Person & then Withdraw. The fifth time you give somebody something for free, you are creating DEPENDENCY, By the time you are sixth way gone & you don’t give, you create RESENTMENT and HATRED. What is of importance is to know when your Kindness brings HEALING and when it stops being a BLESSING.


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