70 Ways Stop Boredom At Home

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Boredom can really hit hard when you are at home. Here are 70 effective ways to get rid of boredom at home.


There is no place like home, it has been said. A home’s warmth is independent of its structure or decoration. The people in the house are what make the house worth living in.

A home is a safe haven where we can be ourselves while also feeling loved. But if you truly want to enjoy it, one thing you should do is make time in your busy schedule to spend with the people you care about.

The most memorable moments in life are usually shared with your besties, from fancy dinners to weekend getaways. After all, who else will take main grid-worthy photos of you in your #OOTD, hype you up the entire time, and suggest the best IG caption?

Even if you’re an introvert who prefers solitude, you can’t deny that spending time with your friends enhances every experience.

1. Make Christmas Ornaments

Create ornaments you’ll want to hang on your Christmas tree or around your home using ideas from Pinterest or YouTube. Make extras to give as a handmade gift to family and friends.

If you don’t celebrate Christmas, you can make ornaments or decorations for those who do. Personalize them by signing them or including a family photo.

2. Organize a Scavenger Hunt

Create an item to hide somewhere in or around the house, and then write out and distribute clues to help your family and friends find it.

The first clue should lead to the next, and the final clue should lead to the hidden item. If you want to make it more fun, turn the clues into rhymes.

3. View Family Films

Convert your old 8mm family videos to digital and organize a movie night to watch years of family celebrations, vacations, birthdays, and milestones.

Everyone in the family will enjoy reminiscing about old times and laughing at outmoded clothing and hairstyles.

4. Put a Puzzle Together

Puzzles are an excellent way for your family to bond while also practicing teamwork.
Empty the pieces onto the coffee table in the living room and work through the image together. Display your hard work by gluing a backing to your finished product.

5. Have a BBQ

Nothing says “America” like a freshly made hamburger. BBQ nights are a lot of fun, and they have their own distinct characteristics that everyone seems to enjoy. Call your friends over for supper/dinner and enjoy hot hamburgers on the lawn with some wine to make BBQ nights more special.

You don’t yet have a grill? Try this one from PK Grills or this Simplistic BBQ grill set. If you want to learn more about how to smoke meat like a pro, the Grill Masters Club has an ultimate beginner’s guide.

6. Playing a Role

Give each family member a different role to play, and you’ll have a fun evening. For example, have your youngest daughter play the role of Daddy and observe how your children perceive their parents. This brief activity can go a long way toward strengthening your bond with your children.

7. Make Your Own Greeting Cards

Clear the kitchen table and get the construction paper, pens, and glue ready.

Handmade cards are a unique way for your family to connect while also doing something creative. Allow each family member to write a personal message to the recipients, whether it is long or short.

8. Attend Yoga Classes

Yoga is a great way to stay fit while also clearing your mind.

Grab a friend or significant other and head to the mats in the evening to unwind after a long day.

There are many free beginner yoga classes on YouTube that will walk you through poses and proper postures. Like the following yoga class:

9. Take Part in a Board Game

Play Yahtzee, Apples to Apples, or any other game that your family enjoys. Find an age-appropriate board game so that everyone can participate.

A family that plays games together stays together — or has a lot more fun!

10. Together, read a book.

Reading has taken a back seat in today’s hectic lifestyles. Reconnect with your family by reading aloud from a good book or listening to an audiobook together.

Take the time to talk about what’s going on and express your thoughts.

11. Start a Garden

Choose a variety of vegetables, flowers, or herbs and start them indoors before the growing season begins.

Move them outside and plant a full garden when they’re ready and the weather permits.

Instead of vegging out in front of the TV, spend every evening tending to your garden. Then, when your plants have fully matured, you can enjoy the fruits of your labor.

12. Make a New Recipe

Search the internet for a few new recipes that you think your family or significant other would enjoy. Choose one together and begin cooking.

To help keep your costs down, choose a recipe that uses seasonal produce.

Fun Things to Do at Home Alone

13. Make a Cookie Batch

Homemade chocolate chip, peanut butter, or oatmeal cookies — or any kind you enjoy — are heart and stomach soothing.

Make a dozen or two and enjoy the aroma and anticipation of eating a few with a big glass of cold milk while they bake.

14. Make a Letter

Do you recall letters? A letter is a timeless form of communication that demonstrates you took the time to handwrite your thoughts and feelings.

Write and send a letter to someone you care about using a pen and some stationery (or just notebook paper if you don’t have stationery). What a pleasant surprise it will be to receive a thoughtful letter in the mail.

15. Stream a Podcast

Put on one of the hundreds of entertaining and informative podcasts available while exercising, cooking, or cleaning the house.

Whether you enjoy true crime, politics, interviews, comedy, or any other genre, there are plenty of highly rated top podcasts to keep you entertained for hours.

16. Print and Frame Your Photos

Your smartphone is probably full of photos you’ve taken over the years that you’ve never looked at.

Choose some of your favorites, print them, and place them in beautiful frames around your home.

17. Create Video Greetings for Your Friends

Make a video of yourself sending a funny or loving message to your friends using your smartphone camera.

You can make a single video to send to multiple people, or you can make personalized videos for everyone in your circle to send them a special message.

18. Organize a Room in Your Home

When you’re stuck at home for whatever reason, take advantage of the opportunity to declutter an area of your home that has been bothering you.

Clean out the junk drawer in your kitchen, organize the garage, or finally go through those basement boxes. Take it one project at a time and enjoy the process of decluttering.

19. Make a Scrapbook

Remember those old family photos stashed in closet shoeboxes?

Take them outside on a rainy day and make a scrapbook worthy of display. You’ll have a good time sharing old memories and making new ones.

20. Give Yourself a Spa Night

Do you feel overwhelmed at home, at work, or in life in general?

people leaning against a wall holding yoga mats fun things to do at home

Relax with a spa night. Draw a warm bubble bath, paint your toe nails, and try a new face mask. The next morning, you’ll feel re-energized and refreshed.

21. Make a Scarf by Knitting or Crocheting

Sit on the living room sofa with a few skeins of yarn and try out that new pattern you saw on Instagram. Teach your children or partner to knit so that you can collaborate on new projects.

22. Start a Journal

If you haven’t kept a journal before, now is a great time to start. You can write about your daily life events, feelings, schedule, or hopes and dreams in your journal.

Consider keeping a gratitude or mindfulness journal to help you feel more present and engaged even when you’re at home alone.

23. Practice Playing a Musical Instrument

If you enjoy making music (or attempting to do so), you’d probably prefer to do so when you’re alone at home. Play a specific song so you can perform for an at-home audience when you’re not alone.

You can probably find some YouTube tutorials for your chosen instrument to help you learn a song you’ll enjoy playing.

Fun Things to do at Home With a Friend

24. Play Cards

A deck of cards can provide hours of entertainment with your friends. Make a night of it by providing snacks and drinks, as well as prizes for the winner.

You can play poker, bridge, gin rummy, hearts, spades, or any of the other hundreds of available card games.

25. Try Some Wine or Beer

Have a group of friends coming over for the evening? Request that everyone bring a bottle of wine or a six-pack of beer.

Pour wine or beer samples without telling everyone what they’re tasting. Allow the guests to rate the various samples to determine the winning libation.

26. Pose Excellent Questions

When you have friends over, why not use a great list of questions to get to know them even better?

These can be serious, funny, or fun questions that help you learn new things about each other that you may not have known before.

27. Try a New Craft

Go through your art supplies and try making something new, such as a dream catcher, wind chime, or watercolor painting.

Do you require inspiration? Take a look at these cool and popular crafts.

28. Have a Baking Night

Gather in the kitchen with different pastry or dessert recipes to try your hand at recreating them. Decide which masterpiece to create in turn.

Then, with a large glass of milk or hot tea, enjoy the results.

29. Have a Self-Care Night

You and your best friend can paint your nails, try out new facial products, and relax with aromatherapy.

After you’ve finished your self-care, turn on some music, make your favorite cocktails, and dance the night away to relieve the stress of the day.

30. Arrange an Indoor Picnic

Gather a blanket and enjoy a picnic-style dinner in a new location. Put on an old movie or your favorite Netflix drama and spend the evening eating in front of the TV with your bestie.

31. Plan a Girls’ Night In

Invite your friends over for a girls’ night in with cocktails, cards, or a low-key dinner. Conversation and company will help you decompress from the stresses of the day.

32. Try Out Karaoke

After a few beers or glasses of wine, you and your friends might feel brave enough to try your hand at karaoke.

If you don’t have your own karaoke machine, you can still play the game online, which includes the music and lyrics.

Without a microphone, you’ll just have to belt out the song louder.

33. Perform Charades

Some of the games you played as a child are still some of the most enjoyable — even as an adult. It’s a game that’s sure to make everyone laugh.

You do not need to buy the game. All you need is a timer, paper, and a container to hold the slips of paper containing the phrases that each player must act out. The rules are simple, but the game will put your acting and guessing skills to the test.

34. Organize a Potluck Dinner

The most enjoyable parties are those in which you do not have to do all of the cooking. Invite your favorite friends over for a potluck dinner and ask each person to bring a specific dish.

Plates, utensils, glasses, and possibly beverages will be required. The main goal is to enjoy each other’s company while eating delicious food that everyone has prepared.

35. Try a Game of “Would You Rather”

Another enjoyable way to get to know someone is to ask and answer “would you rather” questions.

Would you rather questions can contrast two equally unpleasant scenarios or two enjoyable experiences. The key is to make the difficult decision of which one to select.

36. Make a Vision Board

Make a vision board party for yourself and a friend, complete with music and snacks or drinks. Cut out images and words from magazines and glue them to a large poster board.

Your friend will be able to take home an inspiring new creation. And you can look forward to seeing your own as you go about your day.

Fun Things to Do at Home on a Rainy Day

37. Grilled Cheese Sandwiches “Gourmet”

Gather your sandwich ingredients and grill them on your stovetop, adding whatever extras you like: bacon, tomato slices, spinach, and so on. Make them to order for anyone looking for some traditional comfort food.

Then top with your favorite soup and enjoy your meal while the rain falls.

38. Play Some Mental Games

A rainy day is ideal for brain training and mental sharpening. Play a word game, crossword puzzle, or Rubik’s cube.

You can find hundreds of brain teaser apps and free brain games online to keep you entertained for hours.

39. Binge Watch a TV Show

Just give in to the urge and settle in with a bowl of popcorn to watch that TV show you’ve been meaning to watch.

Since you can’t go outside, you might as well enjoy the downtime by getting lost in a good book.

40. Examine Old Photographs

Do you have boxes of old photos or an album collection from the past?

What a wonderful day to look through old photos and reminisce about your past life and adventures. Take some out to share the memories with family and friends.

41. Take a Listen to an Audio Book

Curl up on the sofa with a blanket and a cup of tea to watch the rain while listening to your favorite audiobook.

On a rainy day, perhaps a good mystery or love story would be appropriate.

42. Play Badminton Indoors

Even if it’s raining, you can still enjoy an outdoor activity from the comfort of your own home.

Make a badminton “net” out of a sofa or a chair, and grab your rackets and birdie. You and a partner or a friend can hit the birdie back and forth by drawing boundary lines.

43. Make a Family Video

Take turns filming your spouse as you share the top reasons why you fell in love with each other on your smartphone.

Allow your children to use the phone to interview each member of the family in order to create a “documentary” of your family’s life together.

Check out Splice, a free video editing software that you can use to create your own Academy Award-winning production.

44. Make Contact With an Old Friend or Family Member

Forget about texting and social media. Pick up the phone and call a friend or family member you haven’t spoken with in a long time.

They may be surprised to hear from you, but it is a great way to maintain connections and relationships.

45. Read the Latest News

Get comfortable with your laptop or television network of choice and stay up to date on global events.

Look for more in-depth news sources that provide a more balanced viewpoint and more thorough reporting.

46. Attend an Online Class

Take an online course to improve or learn a new skill. Online, you can find a wide range of courses, from language learning to learning how to code.

On learning platforms like Teachable, Udemy, and Coursera, you’ll find hundreds of courses tailored to your interests.

Fun Things to Do at Home with Your Boyfriend

47. Play a Video Game With Your Friends

If your boyfriend (or you) have a favorite video game, why not spend some time competing or playing as a team? Prepare your refreshments and close the blackout curtains for the best gaming experience.

Play for as long as you’re both having fun.

48. Have a Couples Dance Party

Create a playlist with great beats and get moving. Include your boyfriend’s favorite dance party songs as well. Put some strobe lights on and you’ll be tearing up the kitchen dance floor in no time.

49. Watch Old Classic Films

Remember those old movies your parents used to watch? Make some popcorn and look up the Academy Award winners from previous decades. You may be surprised at how thrilling and romantic these old favorites can be.

50. Play Badminton Outside

Don’t spend the entire day hiding out in the air conditioning. Take your badminton set outside and challenge your boyfriend to a game.

You can play singles or doubles and improve your agility, reflexes, and overall fitness while having fun.

51. . Build a Snowman

Instead of avoiding winter, embrace it. Dress warmly and venture out into the snow. Bring a camera and take a few pictures to remember the occasion. A snowball fight earns extra points. Warm up with hot cocoa or tea afterwards.

You don’t live in a snowy area? Instead, make an outdoor stick fort or tepee with your guy.

52. Carve Pumpkins

Fall is pumpkin season, and whether or not you celebrate Halloween, pumpkin carving can be a lot of fun.

Join in the fun by carving a few pumpkins to display on your front porch as decorations. Save the pumpkin seeds for a tasty and healthy snack.

Fun Things to Do at Home at Night

53. Spend Quality Time Coloring Together

You can each choose your own coloring books and fine-tipped markers. Find a location where everyone can work comfortably, with or without music playing in the background.

When you’ve finished your pages, hang them for a family “art exhibit” or add them to a ‘family time’ scrapbook.

54. Take a Look at the Stars

How often do you stop to look at the stars? Take out your binoculars or, if you have one, your telescope. Turn off the lights (both inside and outside), find a comfortable place to sit, and gaze at the stars.

You might be able to use a stargazing app on your phone to identify what you’re seeing in the night sky.

55. Online Christmas Shopping

Start looking for winter gear sales in the spring or early summer to get the best deals for Christmas gifts.

When November arrives, you can relax knowing that all that remains is the wrapping.

You don’t have to spend a fortune or even leave your house to shake things up. You can find plenty of enjoyable, low-cost entertainment right in your own backyard. There are so many wonderful Christmas ideas for the upcoming holiday season.

56. Organize Your Closet

Begin by gathering your family and going through the items you no longer use or wear. Rather than throwing them away, donate them to the Salvation Army or wrap them as holiday gifts for needy families.

57. Build a Bonfire

Bring out the marshmallows, graham crackers, and chocolate and head to your backyard for an evening fire under the stars.

Share your favorite camping memories with your children and teach them how to build a fire in the wilderness.

58. Play With Make-Up

Search your closet for old Halloween costumes, dress clothes, or what-were-you-thinking purchases and play dress-up with your children.

Encourage them to create different scenarios based on their costumes in order to create an in-home Broadway production.

Fun Things To Do With Kids

59. “The Floor Is Lava” Should be Played

Pretend your living room floor is lava and devise ways to avoid touching it. Make it safe but difficult for your children to do the same. And give them a reason to leave lava land, whether it’s “lava cake” or something else they like.

If it’s possible, pretend your entire lower floor is lava and figure out how to get from the front door to a specific location without touching it. Nobody can stay in one place for more than a minute. The last person standing wins.

60. Create an Obstacle Course in Your Backyard (or Indoors)

Make an obstacle course out of whatever you have in your living room or backyard. Then time your children as they run from the starting point to the finish line.

A fenced backyard is ideal because it provides privacy while remaining roughhouse-friendly for your obstacle course. Keep breakable items out of harm’s way.

Keep your children hydrated, and provide helmets, knee pads, and shin guards if a collision with hard wood, stone, or concrete is a possibility.

61. Learn about and Practice Origami (the Art of Paper Folding)

You can learn how to make origami by watching YouTube videos. See how many different critters you can make out of scrapbooking paper, printer paper, or last Sunday’s news rag.

Begin with something simple and allow your children to create whatever they want: flowers, birds, dragons, and so on. Or you could learn how to make paper airplanes and gliders that fly across the room.

62. Make a Piñata

Create a piata with corn starch, water, newspaper strips, and as many balloons as you need for the desired shape — first by covering each balloon with a thick layer of starchy paper strips, and then by assembling the dried parts and decorating the whole.

Set a date for a piata party once everything is dry and ready to hang to celebrate something your entire family can get behind. To pop the balloon, make a hole in the main cavity and fill it with candy — fun size bars, toffies, chocolate kisses, and so on.

63. Celebrate With a Pizza (bagel) Party

Make mini pizzas with bagels, pizza sauce, mozzarella cheese, and any other toppings of your choice using this recipe and instructions.

Make sure you have all of the toppings your kids prefer on their pizza, such as pepperoni, bacon, and pineapple, or sliced tomatoes and basil. Assemble them and toast them at 375 degrees until the edges are crispy (about ten minutes).

64. Begin a Story and then Take Turns Adding to it

You can do this in a blanket fort or anywhere else you and your kids like to have fun. Instead of watching TV shows or DVDs, make up your own stories based on what you know they enjoy.

Begin with a character who is similar to one they know and love, and then present that character with a problem. Just enough information to get the story going. Then point to one of your children and let them take it from there. To take turns, you can even use a talking stick.

65. Make Some Ice Cream in 5 Minutes

Use this recipe and instructions to make ice cream in airtight food storage bags. For the first batch, stick to plain vanilla ice cream.

If your children enjoy the results, you can experiment with different ingredients in future batches, such as chocolate syrup, raspberries, strawberry preserves, toffee bits, and so on.

Every child who wants ice cream must contribute to the mixing and shaking. Once you’ve made enough ice cream for everyone, gather the bowls and toppings for an ice cream party.

66. Hold a Treasure Hunt Indoors (or in the Backyard)

Why not hide some treasures and treats around the house (or in the backyard if the weather is nice) and make a map for your kids to follow?

You can even hide several treasures for them to discover. Hide something for each child or multiple components to something they will all enjoy. Handwritten “coupons” for things they keep asking for or want to do could also be a treasure.

Hide them well enough that they have to look for it for a while — but not so well that they give up.

67. Make Dollhouse Accessories

If your children enjoy playing with dollhouses, why not spend some time making or painting furniture and other ornaments for them? Simple wooden dollhouse furniture can be found online, or you can find an eclectic assortment of doll-sized furnishings at your local thrift store.

Make your own using materials you already have at home, such as scraps of fabric, unused toy blocks, and folded paper. Area rugs can even be knitted or crocheted. Sew curtains, blankets, beanbag/rice chairs, beds, and small cushions for seating instead.

68. Play With Your Blocks

They’re not just for kids. If your children are older, try Blocks Rock!, a competitive STEM game. Alternatively, find some difficult Lego kits for their favorite fandoms (Marvel, Ninjago, etc.) and spend some time assembling them.

If you prefer to build something with your younger children, try this 100-piece set of wooden blocks in various sizes. Or play Jenga with a large set that can stand up to five feet tall.

69. Construct an Edible House or Village

Find some recipes and instructions for making a gingerbread or graham cracker house online, and gather all the ingredients you’ll need to make it as much fun to make as it will be to eat.

Each of your children can construct and decorate their own structure, whether it’s a house, a tent, a tower, or something completely different. To make the project more enjoyable, collect their favorite candy decorations. They can eat something while they work.

70. Learn about One of Your Children’s Favorite Fandoms

You’ve probably overheard your children discussing their favorite Netflix, Hulu, and other streaming services. Why not spend some time getting to know one or more of them?

For one thing, you’ll be more aware of what they’re watching and the messages they’re receiving from those shows. If you agree with their messages, you’ll be able to enjoy the entire series.

If they see you enjoying stories they enjoy, it can bring you closer together during family fun time.


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