Top 16 Reasons of Failed Marriages

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There have been a lot of stipulated reasons of failed marriages. Failed marriages leading to divorce could be caused by either one or both of the couple or from external interference. Lets go through the top 15 reasons of failed marriages.

Failed Marriages

Marriage is a union between two individuals and is blessed by God. Marriage is also not a bed of roses where you expect everything to work out fine; it takes lots of patience and understanding from both parties to make it work.

Top 16 Reasons of Failed Marriages

There are periods when couples who have been together for a while, tend not to tolerate each other anymore and decide to opt out of the marriage. Listed below are 20 reasons some couples divorce in Nigeria.

1. Lack of Preparation

This is rampant everywhere and not only in Nigeria. Most times, young people believe that they are prepared for marriage whereas their minds are not. They marry by impulse even when they are not ready.

One needs to be ready emotionally, psychologically and intellectually before getting married to avoid rushing out of the marriage.

2. Lack of Courtship

Young people often times get married without getting to know each other more or better. Courtships gives one the opportunity to get to know your partner’s habits, views about life and character.

Courtship period helps one know if you are really in love with your partner or you are lusting after him or her.

3. Lack of Compatibility

Couples mistake physical attraction as love and this becomes an issue if they are not compatible with each other.

When they get into marriage, they discover that they are incompatible with their partner. The situation might get worse and thereby leading to divorce.

4. Lack of Trust

When a partner doubts his or her partner, this can create distrust and eventually lead to divorce.

5. Lack of Communication

Lack of communication among couples can build a bridge between them. It is important to express and share your feelings with your partner.

6. Mismatch of Ages

When a man of 45 marries a girl of 24, he should keep in mind that he is aging while she will bloom of beauty in her prime and likewise a man of 35 who marries an older woman of about 40 and she has few years to conceive a child.

7. Lack of Intimacy

Intimacy in marriage is one of the things that keep it alive. Lack of intimacy makes the marriage dull over time which often leads to divorce. Lack of intimacy is common among working-class spouses and long-distance marriages.

8. Infertility

Nigerians have a certain attitude towards having children couples are oftentimes anxious about having children after two years of marriage.

Women are oftentimes blamed for being infertile even when the problem might be from the man and this causes a huge problem in some marriages.

A spouse might be fade up with the situation and decide to make children outside the marital home and this decision oftentimes leads to divorce.

9. Infidelity

Infidelity has caused so many divorces not only in Nigeria. Being married to a person means you share everything with only that person.

Infidelity in marriage leads to lots of emotions like anger, betrayal, hurt and pains which sometimes is very hard to forgive and forget. It could even lead to death for most depressed persons.

10. High Expectations

11. Third-Party Interference

Marriage is a union between two people but there are times when third parties are invited to help settle issue between time and this is common but it only becomes a problem when the third party worsens the case.

Some couples may want a divorce due to the advice from third parties.

12. Selfishness

A selfish spouse will always put his/her interest above the other and the deprived spouse will feel unloved and unwanted which might lead to divorce over time.

13. Disrespect

Couples, who want their marriage to last long, must have mutual respect. Disrespect brings about anger and frustration which could result in impatience, criticism, etc. which could eventually lead to a divorce.

14. Pride and Ego

This is one of the reasons of divorce. Where there is pride and ego, there are bound to be problems.

In cases where the wife earns more than the husband, pride might come in; she might want to feel equal to the husband instead of being humble and respecting him as the head of the family.

15. Domestic Violence

This is one of the major reasons for divorce in Nigeria. In situations where one’s spouse abuses the other, it will lead to serious problems.

This behavior is often seen in women and men especially those who cannot control their anger and tend to vent it out on their wives so sometimes to save the woman’s life, it is better she divorces him.

16. Unforgiveness

There is no sin that cannot be forgiven and when a spouse has chosen not to forgive the other, they will not live in happiness. Unforgiveness leads to grief and bitterness which brings about hatred and divorce.



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