Tips on How to Politely Reject a Job

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Did you just get a job offer that you will not be accepting, and you are confused on how to politely reject a job?

Rejecting a job is necessary sometimes, but how you go about it is equally very important. Here are some tips on how to politely reject a job

How to politely reject a job

How to Reject a Job

Begin by being direct and honest in your message. Thank the hiring manager for their time and explain why you are rejecting without being too specific.

Respond quickly and directly, and if appropriate, offer to stay in touch. Let’s take a look at some tips on how reject a job.

1. You Have to be Prompt

When writing a job offer rejection letter, avoid procrastination.

Not only does this give the company plenty of time to find another candidate, but it’s also more considerate to get right to the point and decline the offer right away rather than letting them think you’re thinking about the position.

Recruiters often struggle to find the right candidate for the job.  Do not allow them to believe they’ve found the perfect match if you have no intention of working with them.

2. Show Appreciation

When rejecting a job offer, express gratitude and be gracious. Recruiters often sift through resumes and spend hours searching social media for the ideal employee.

Thank the interviewer for the opportunity and express your appreciation for the time they took to interview you.

It is important that you reject the job with no hard feelings because you have no idea where you might the person again.

3. Your Reason Must be Good Enough

In your job offer rejection letter, explain why you are declining the position.

Don’t go into too much detail about what you didn’t like about the company or the role. Instead, concentrate on the positives and wish the company well.

If you don’t have a specific reason to offer (for example, “I’ve realized that the required commute simply won’t work with my childcare schedule,” Then it’s fine to simply say that it’s not what you want right now.

4. Keep it Concise and Professional

Recruiters are used to being rejected. Keep your letter of rejection for a job offer brief and to the point.

Avoid going into detail about the position’s potential or warning signs in a potential boss. Explain your main reason for declining, followed by a simple thank you.

Sample Letters on How to Decline a Job Offer

Rejecting a job offer because you have been offered another (better) job is generally an enviable situation, but it is still important to maintain good relations with the employer.

Keep your job offer rejection email or letter brief and to the point. Here are some samples that you might liken your letters to:

Contact Name
Street Address
City, State, Postcode

Dear [Name],
I’d like to express my gratitude for the opportunity to work as [Job Title] for [Company]. I have decided to accept a position with another company after much thought.
I sincerely appreciate you interviewing me and offering me this position. I wish you the best of luck in finding a suitable employee for the position.
Thank you once more for your consideration.
Kind regards,
Your Name

When the Salary doesn’t Meet your Expectations

In most cases, there are numerous opportunities to negotiate a salary before declining a job offer entirely.

However, if you’ve worked hard to reach a salary agreement and the company in question is unable to meet your expectations, you should politely decline the offer:

Contact Name
Street Address
City, State, Postcode

Dear [Name],
Thank you for your call yesterday and the offer of the position of [Job Title] at [Company].
I appreciate you taking the time to talk about salary expectations with me. Unfortunately, I will be unable to accept this position because the salary is insufficient to cover my current living expenses.
Thank you for your consideration and time, and I wish you the best of luck in finding a suitable candidate for the position.

Kind regards,
Your Name

When the Job isn’t the Right Fit

It is not uncommon to go through the interview process only to discover that the role you were interviewing for is not what you expected or does not align with your career goals.

In that case, keep your job offer rejection message polite but direct:

Contact Name
Street Address
City, State, Postcode

Dear [Name],
Thank you very much for the opportunity to work as [Job Title] at [Company].
After careful consideration, I will decline the position because it is not a good fit for my long-term career goals.
I am grateful for the offer and wish you the best of luck in finding a suitable candidate for the position. I wish you and the company the best of luck in your future endeavors.
Your Name

When the Company isn’t the Right Fit

If you’re not interested in the company culture, your prospective manager, or anything else about the company, avoid using negative language and instead explain simply that the job isn’t a good fit for you:

Contact Name
Street Address
City, State, Postcode

Dear [Name],
Thank you for considering me for the position of [Job Title] at [Company]. Unfortunately, I have decided not to accept the role because it is not a good fit for me right now.
I am grateful for your offer and consideration. Thank you for your time again, and I wish you the best of luck in finding someone suitable for the position.
Kind regards,
Your Name

Declining on the Phone is also an Option

It can be nerve-racking to decline a job over the phone. To structure your approach, please follow these steps:

  • Choose an appropriate time to call – usually, lunchtime or close to the end of the day is best, when they are less likely to be busy.
  • Call them and initiate the conversation by asking them if you are calling them at the appropriate time.
  • If the person is not available, leave your name and number and say you will call back. Do not leave a message stating that you are declining their offer.
  • Thank them for the job offer and then politely decline it.
  • Explain that you were unable to accept the position and that you wanted to notify them as soon as possible.
  • Appreciate them once again for the offer and end the call.

It will be difficult, but you must be confident in your tone when rejecting the offer over the phone. A shaky voice can make you appear unsure.

Finally, don’t be afraid to reject a job offer if it simply isn’t a good fit.

Turning down a job offer can be a difficult and delicate task, but when done correctly, it will allow you to move on to the right job while maintaining your professional network.

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