The Impact of Dyslexia on Your Child’s Educational Experience

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Impact of Dyslexia

The Impact of Dyslexia on Your Child’s Educational Experience is profound and far-reaching. The challenges posed by dyslexia are not limited to difficulties in reading and writing; they permeate various aspects of a child’s educational experience.

The Impact of Dyslexia on Your Child’s Educational Experience: Dyslexia is a common reading disability that impacts on many aspects of a child’s education and life beyond school. Dyslexia symptoms in terms of specific difficulties such as poor decoding, reading comprehension and spelling are normally seen at the beginning level of schooling; however, these difficulties can continue into adolescence and adulthood.

The cause of dyslexia is unknown. It is estimated that about 5-20% of the population develops dyslexia in childhood and about 20% of those who have dyslexia will develop some other form of learning difficulty as adults such as memory problems, motor skill problems or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

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Furthermore, let us discuss the detrimental effects of dyslexia on a child’s learning abilities so that you can effectively address their concerns and find a reading program for dyslexics children.

1. Dyslexia hinders the development of personality: Dyslexic youngsters lack self-confidence and self-esteem because of their inability to read and write clearly, which also negatively impacts their social abilities. They frequently exhibit reserve and, in rare instances, clinical depression.Due to peer and parental pressure, there have been many instances where children have shown resentment and intransigence.

2. Difficulty in learning phonemes: Children with dyslexia tend to have difficulty decoding words as they read, even when facilitated by a trained reader. They may also struggle with blending words together and so are not able to work out whether a word contains just one sound or more than one.

Lack of phoneme awareness can negatively impact children’s ability to listen and comprehend spoken language, which leads to reading difficulties.
Difficulty in visualizing how a word looks like.

3. Dyslexia affects children in several ways: Their brains use the same language that we all do, but their brain pathways are not connected as they should be. This can mean that they can have trouble reading or writing, but it also means they may have trouble visualizing and remembering the image of the word.

Children with dyslexia may not have an image of a word until the day before they see it in print, which makes memorization more challenging. Furthermore, dyslexic people are often less able to form mental blueprints for how words look than others.

4. Dyslexia Causes visual stress: Visual stress is a type of dyslexia caused by problems with how children see the words on their page, resulting in letters looking smaller than they should appear, or even disappearing completely. It can be especially disruptive when the letters are bigger in the centre of the page than at the sides.

5. Dyslexic children lack fluency while reading: One of the biggest challenges with dyslexia is that it has a huge impact on everyday life. Dyslexic children struggle to read, and as a result can be frustrated and unhappy. ‘They are often known as slow readers, but the reality is that even when their reading speed increases, they are still slow readers who have difficulty acquiring fluency.

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As a result, dyslexic children often avoid reading for pleasure because they find it so difficult.’


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