5 Tips To Find A Job In Finland After School

Find A Job In Finland After School
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The working conditions in Finland are great. Finland offers high salaries and employees have a secure status. You might most definitely want to find a job in Finland after school because Finland is becoming more and more international and it has many successful and internationally known companies.

International exchange and degree students are allowed to work in Finland with certain restrictions. If you are a Nordic or EU/EEA national, you don’t need any special permits for working in Finland during your studies. Non-EU students can work a maximum of 25 hours a week with a student residence permit. Outside term times, for example, during summer or Christmas holidays, there are no regulations on how many hours you can work.

Find A Job In Finland After School

Gaining work experience on different levels

Combining work and studies is very common in Finland and it shows your future employers persistence and that you are hard-working and active. You can do an internship, write your thesis for a company, or work part-time at a local company. Common working places for Finnish students are restaurants, retail, maintenance, and grocery stores. You can also volunteer which is a great way to connect and gain new experiences.

Getting a job is never a piece of cake but having perseverance and being motivated increases the possibilities of finding something. Any kind of work will be an advantage, even if it isn’t from your field of studies. It shows that you are making an effort and want to gain valuable work experience.

Taking initiative and showing that you are hard-working is highly valued in the Finnish working environment. Even though your first jobs wouldn’t teach you much about your own study field, you will still learn important skills such as communication and teamwork. Each work experience also helps you in building your network.

Road to getting a permanent residence permit

After graduation, students can apply for a 1-year residence permit extension that allows them to stay in Finland while seeking a job. To get this extended residence permit, you must apply for it while your student residence permit is still valid. To increase your chances of getting a job after graduation, it is essential that you have acquired some work experience already during your studies.

If you get a job in Finland, you can apply for a work-based residence permit. If you get a full-time job after graduation, you need to work a minimum of four years before you can get a permanent residency.

Employment possibilities in Business, IT and Healthcare

Finland faces a shortage of labor in many different industries, and for this reason, companies are constantly looking for new employees.

The IT field, as well as the Business field in Finland, needs many more skilled workers. These two fields are international and English is widely spoken. The Salo IoT campus at Turku University of Applied Sciences has over 90 different companies present on campus. These companies are used to being in contact with the students already during their studies, to work on different projects together. Many other universities are also opening new possibilities for skilled students to gain valuable work experience in their own field of study.

A shortage of labor can also be found within the field of social services and nursing, and the demand for skilled healthcare professionals is growing rapidly. For this reason, the international workforce is increasing and institutions in Finland are acknowledging that they need more employees from abroad.

Most universities offer career services for their students and they can, therefore, help and guide you in the right direction of finding a job. When searching for open job positions online, the websites worth looking up are for example Academic Work, Barona Group, and TE-palvelut which is maintained by the Public Employment Office in Finland.

5 Tips To Find A Job In Finland After School

1. Start connecting during your studies 

Building a network during your studies is important because it increases the possibility of landing a good job. A great tool for this is LinkedIn, where you can build connections with university personnel, co-workers, and other students. This shows that you are active and want to build your professional network.

2. Gain work experience during studies

Gaining any kind of work experience during your studies is crucial. You can gain valuable work experience through internships, seasonal work, part-time work, or volunteering. In addition to a CV, add all your work experience to LinkedIn as well.

3. Prepare a good CV and job application

Having a good CV and putting effort into your job application is important as this is your chance to give a positive first impression to potential employers. There will be competition, and you want to stand out.

4. Learn the local language

Although English is present in all working fields in Finland, learning Finnish is still useful, especially if you work in the healthcare industry or customer service. Finnish isn’t easy, but learning the basics can carry you a long way!

5. Don’t be discouraged!

Even for locals, it’s not always easy to get a job, because there is a lot of competition. Don’t be too hard on yourself if it takes time to get a job. Hardworking people are always rewarded in the end so keep trying!

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