Exfoliation: Meaning, Need, Benefits, Techniques, and Timing

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Understanding the significance of exfoliation, its numerous benefits, various techniques, and the ideal timing is a valuable insight for anyone looking to enhance their skincare routine.

Hi guys. Today on Skincare routine, we’ll be taking a look at all you need to know about exfoliation. This includes the meaning of exfoliation; the need to exfoliate; gain of exfoliation; what you need to exfoliate with; the best time for exfoliation.

What is exfoliation

Exfoliation is the action through which dead skin cells are taken off the skin using a chemical, granular substance or exfoliation tool.

Your skin naturally sheds dead skin cells to make room for new cells every 28 days or thereabout. Exfoliation is a part of skincare and regular exfoliation is what will help to reduce the accumulation of free radicals.

By exfoliating, you allow younger and healthier skin cells to have the chance to come to the surface to breathe as well as absorb your skincare. Mind you, exfoliation is also called scrubbing in layman’s term.

The need to exfoliate

I’ll like to term this as the benefit of exfoliation. Lack of exfoliation is why we feel that our skincare routine is not working. Also, it’s the reason people complain that they are not glowing. Imagine you applying lotions or other skin products on dead skin and expecting it to look radiant. It’s practically impossible.

Nothing works on dead skin. It’s advisable to get rid of the dead layer first. That’s why it’s very important you exfoliate or in another term scrub.

What do we gain when we exfoliate?

  1. Exfoliation can improve the appearance of your skin in several ways.
  2. Exfoliation can leave your skin looking brighter and improve the effectiveness of topical skincare products by enhancing absorption.
  3. Regular exfoliation can also help prevent clogged pores, resulting in fewer breakouts.

Because you are increasing blood circulation, breaking down toxins and encouraging new skin cells to come through, my advice to you is to drink lots of water. The water helps to drain toxins and give those new skin cells a “drink from the inside”. It is important to apply a good moisturizer also to help hydrated skin from the outside in.

  1. Long term exfoliating can increase collagen production.

Your skin is solely dependent on a protein called collagen. Collagen is key to glowing vibrant skin. The protein also promotes skin elasticity, minimizing the appearance of free lines and related sagging.

What to exfoliate with

When it comes to your body, in my opinion, the best thing to exfoliate your body with is milk, honey and sugar. Wondering why?

  1. The lactic acid in milk is an alpha-hydroxy acid that naturally eats away dead skin cells, which is great for natural exfoliation.
  2. Sugar is also a natural exfoliant that helps polish the skin.
  3. Honey helps to open your pores which helps to clear away dirt and oil.

The milk and honey sugar scrub have these qualities embedded in them.

Can I use my body scrub on my face?

The answer is no. Reasons being that exfoliants are made of beads either synthetic or from natural origin. So the beads you find in a scrub for the body will be larger than the one for the face because the skin on your body is tougher than that of the face.

So, using the one for your body on your face can cause minute tears on your facial skin that then allows the entrance of bacterial and other germs.

So, you should use a face scrub for your face and body scrub for your body.

When is the best time to exfoliate?

I recommend you exfoliate at night so you can have all night for your skin to relax and renew. Also, don’t expose your exfoliated skin to UV rays or sun the day you choose to exfoliate. This is another reason why I support exfoliating at night.

Exfoliation should be done at least once every 3 days. Be patient and consistent with the routine. You’ll see positive results in no distance time.

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