Why You Need To Drink Lemon Water: 10 Health Benefits

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Do you really need to drink lemon water? The answer to that is a big Yes, asides having health benefits, lemon water has also been seen to improve the skin appearance.

This article focuses on the health benefits associated with drinking lemon water.

Drink Lemon Water

Even the slightest changes in your routine can have a significant impact on your health. For example, start your day with lemon water.

What is lemonade?

Lemons and other citrus fruits are known for their colorful pitted peels and tart taste. Lemonade is the juice of lemon fruit mixed with water and can be drunk hot or cold, with additions of lemon zest, honey, mint or spices such as turmeric or cayenne pepper.

Why Lemon Water?

Because of how hard lemon juice can be on the enamel of your teeth, it’s important to dilute it with water of any temperature.

Lemon juice is very hard on tooth enamel, so it is important to dilute it with water at any temperature although lukewarm water is recommended.

Benefits Of Drinking Lemon water

Below are the following benefits of lemon water when you take them inside your body.

1. Helping in Digestion

Acids help break down food. So there are many in our stomachs. Lemon acid reflux may be especially helpful in supplementing stomach acid levels, which tend to decrease as we get older.

2. It Helps you Stay Hydrated 

Most of us don’t drink enough water. The habit of drinking lemon water is an easy way to spend your day on your right foot. How do you know you are drinking enough? Your urine is almost clear.

According to the Food and Nutrition Council, the general guidelines say women should get at least 91 ounces a day and men at least 125 ounces. This includes water from food and drink.

Water is the best drink for hydration, but some people don’t like the taste of it on its own. Adding lemon enhances the flavor of the water, which can help you drink more.

3. It Supports Weight Loss

We are habitual creatures. Think about the effects of replacing your morning OJ or latte with lemon water. Not just once, but probably 20 times a month, and 10 years. Your waistline thank you.

Studies have shown that polyphenol antioxidants found in lemons significantly reduce weight gain in mice overfed to cause obesity.

Blood glucose levels and increased insulin resistance, are two major factors in the development of type 2 diabetes.

While the same results need to be proven in humans, there is strong evidence that lemon water supports weight loss. It’s not clear if people just drink more water and feel full, or if the lemon juice itself is.

4. It Can improve the Quality of Your Skin

Vitamin C in lemons helps reduce wrinkles on the skin, dry skin due to aging, and damage from the sun. There is some debate about how water improves the skin, but there is one thing that is certain.

When your skin loses moisture, it becomes dry and wrinkle-prone. A 2016 laboratory study showed that citrus drinks helped prevent the development of wrinkles in hairless mice.

5. It Prevents Oxidation

Like all produce, lemons contain phytonutrients that protect the body from illness. These phytonutrients have powerful antioxidant properties and prevent cell damage from oxidation, the same mechanism that causes rust.

6. It Freshens Breath

Have you ever rubbed a lemon in your hand to get rid of the garlic odor and other strong odors? The same folk remedies may also apply to bad breath caused by eating strong-smelling foods such as garlic, onions, and fish.

You can avoid bad breath by drinking a glass of lemon water after a meal and the first thing in the morning.

Lemon is thought to stimulate saliva, and water also helps prevent dry mouth, which can lead to bad breath caused by bacteria.

7. Helps Prevent Kidney Stones

The citric acid in lemons can help prevent kidney stones. Citric acid, a component of citric acid, paradoxically reduces the acidity of urine and can even break small stones.

Drinking lemon water gives you not only citrate but also the water you need to prevent and wash away stones.

8. Provides a Healthy Dose of Vitamin C

Putting half of the lemon in the water adds only 6 calories to your diet. In addition, you get more than one-sixth of the daily vitamin C you need to protect us from cell damage and injury repair.

9. It Helps to Fight Cancer

Some sources claim that lemon water may help prevent cancer. It is based on the theory of an alkaline diet and is based on the premise that certain cancer cells cannot grow in an alkaline environment.

The American Cancer Research Association states this as follows: The claim is false because the foods that humans eat do not affect the acidity of their blood or somatic cells.

10. Lemon Water Cleanses and Detoxes 

Water helps remove waste products from the body through urine and healthy defecation. However, there is no evidence to suggest that lemon water is superior to normal water.

In fact, most people claim that food and drink can cleanse or detoxify organs, not based on scientific facts. This includes claims about the Lemon Water Detox Diet.

How To Drink Lemon Water For The Best Of Health

For people weighing less than 150 pounds, squeeze half a lemon of juice into a glass of water. If you weigh more than 150 pounds, use whole lemon juice.

We recommend lukewarm lemon water. Lemon juice can be further diluted according to personal preference. Drink first thing in the morning and wait 15-30 minutes for breakfast.

This will help you to fully enjoy the benefits of lemon water mentioned above.  Here’s a video showing how easy it is to start enjoying the benefits of lemon water.

Drinking lemon water is one of the most important but easy changes you can make for your health.

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions have been asked concerning the benefits of lemon water, below are the FAQs that border on the benefit of lemon water.

Would I eat lemons, if I have a cold?

Lemon is an excellent source of vitamin C and helps you recover from a cold. Studies show that vitamin C is effective in managing colds and can also boost the immune system and limit the severity of the flu.

Does lemon decrease blood pressure?

Citrus. Citrus fruits, including grapefruit, oranges, and lemons, can have powerful antihypertensive effects. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, and plant compounds that can help keep your heart healthy by reducing risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, such as high blood pressure.

If we are taking 4 or 5 times lemon water in a day, is it good?

Also, how much lemon water you drink every day is important. According to Bangalore-based nutritionist Dr. Anju Sud and consultant nutritionist Dr. Lupari Datta, two lemon juices a day is enough to hydrate in the summer, and drinking lemon water every day is complete. Is healthy.

Why is it healthy to drink water with lemon in the morning?

It aids digestion
Some people drink lemon water as a daily morning laxative to prevent constipation. Drinking warm or hot water with lemon in the morning will help your digestive system work.

Is it true that lemon water can help gastritis?

Let’s take a look at some of the most common questions related to this condition. Myth: Eating citrus fruits can cause gastritis. Fact: No. Citrus fruits by themselves do not increase the acidity of the stomach enough to cause gastritis.

What are the health benefits and side effects of lemon?

Lemon contains large amounts of vitamin C, water-soluble fiber, and vegetable compounds, and has many health benefits. Lemon helps weight loss and may reduce the risk of heart disease, anemia, kidney stones, digestive problems, and cancer.

Can we use lemon to treat dry skin?

Treatment of psoriasis and dandruff. Lemon juice can remove dead skin cells, so there is a theory that it may also reduce skin spots caused by psoriasis and dandruff. AHA has an exfoliating effect on the skin, so the shedding effect is due to the natural levels of citric acid in lemons.


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