Why Some Thrive Amid Chaos: Four Reasons

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Thrive Amid Chaos

In essence, their capacity to thrive amid chaos showcases the resilience and resourcefulness of the human spirit.

In our world today, there are some sets of people that don’t seem to appreciate life in itself. They tend to always want to rebel against all that life has to offer. They think they don’t deserve the peace and joy that life has to offer.

Instead, they always tend to seek violence in seemingly everything they do. And even with people, they also want to get violent with everyone around them and just fight over everything with everyone without any iota of consideration of how it will make others feel, or even how it will make themselves feel, eventually.

This sort of people is toxic and I call them “chaotic people”. They are around us, and who knows, we might be one ourselves. And if you notice, for some reason they never get enough of constant drama and turmoil. They always love to get into some kind of drama with anyone that crosses their path.

Even those that don’t cross their path, still get a piece of their drama because it is what they feed on. They don’t want to ever be the one that apologies first, yet when the other person apologies, they find it hard to forgive and end the conflict because they want it to linger a little longer than normal.

Now, this is not to say that there are bad and all, no, they are not! Rather, they can be sweet, nice, lovely and peaceful if they want to, but then they just can’t. why? Because that constant state of seeking conflict has become a habit to them, they can’t just turn it off overnight.

And you might begin to wonder why such people thrive in chaotic situations. It’s as if it is their growth meal, they cannot just get enough of it.

Well, while their state of chaos seeking is not 100% their fault, I’ve come up with 4 reasons why these sets of people thrive in and strive for chaos. So here they are:



You know the thing they say about the ego. Well, in this aspect, it is a major reason why people prefer chaos over peace. Just so you know, the ego doesn’t want peace. It doesn’t want it in any way. That is why it is always looking for drama, addictive attention and incessant conflict.

The ego cannot just allow you to just be and live peacefully with your life and others without putting in any effort to make sure you don’t have peace of mind. So, chaos is its thriving ground.

This is one of the reasons why some people tend to thrive in chaos. In the real sense, it is not them that is thriving per se, but the ego in them is. And when the ego is thriving, it makes it looks as if you are thriving.

But if you pause to check closely, those people are not thriving but striving. It is more like they are struggling with themselves and their inner peace. But, instead of opting in striving to get inner peace, they choose to settle for chaos.

And it is not as if they do enjoy it there though, it is just that they feel they have no better choice and option, so they just don’t push themselves to get better.

These sorts of people are always miserable, at all times, and they won’t stop until they make everyone around them just as miserable as they are.

The Ego is just the enemy and nothing else. It is always up to no good, but always after its selfish interest, that’s why it is always wanting.


When someone doesn’t have anything to identify himself with, he does it with anything available. And chaos seems to be one thing that is always lingering around, so he has no choice but to come in identity with it.

And when people identify with something, they think it makes them thrive. The lethargy in the world is growing day by day, and most people have lost enthusiasm for what they tagged as ‘passionate’ earlier on.

So, identifying with chaos seems to be their only option. And you know who does this? Oh yeah, the ego does! And yes, he is to blame for every bad and mean thing that the world is experiencing today.

And it takes an awaken human to be able to get off the chains of the ego. And awakening to life is not what you can just do and say in a moment, it is a constant process that one has to go through for the rest of their life.

A sense of identity, belonging is one thing that the human mind craves. We want to be in the hottest band in school, we want to be among the famous, we want to do this, we want to do that.

But then, we fail to realize that ourselves is the best person that we can be. Yet, we think causing chaos is what will make us thrive and give us an identity. It is only a matter of time before we realize that we are treading on the wrong path all this while.

When you identify with something too much, you tend to become too ‘fond’ of it and wouldn’t want to do without, and that is exactly what identifying with chaos does. You get so attached to it, that you want nothing else but it.


Mental instability is another leading reason why people prefer chaos to peace. Those people with some illness are always wanting trouble everywhere they go. It’s really painful you know, especially when you’ve such person has a close relation. You’ll always feel so much empathy towards them because you know that whatever bad things they are doing is not them being in their right state.

Only a few people understand what those people go through daily. While others just tend to be reactive and critical, not knowing the underlying reason behind their action, which is quite pathetic.

I’ve never been mentally ill, so I can’t explain exactly how it feels. But then, I tend to feel so much empathy for those mentally ill people. like, I always wonder what went wrong with them and I also wonder what might be going through their minds at all times.

Even a sane being like me thinks I’m insane. And so, I wonder if they know that they are insane. All the same, that state of mental derail puts them in a state of constant chaos and quagmire. It can be so unbearable, I can imagine.

I believe if they were to be in their right senses, they wouldn’t want to just cause trouble for no reason you know. I mean, why would they want to do that, if not for the fact that they are insane.

The increased amount of chaos they cause makes them think they are thriving too. But that’s not true. They just are not enlightened yet, if not they would know that peace is way better than chaos, in every way.


A friend of mine once said, “reality is often disappointing”, which was also quoted by Thanos in “Marvel’s Avengers Infinity War” and I couldn’t agree more with him. Reality tends to be filled with so much uncertainty and disappointments that we prefer not to ever face it, ever. But then, how can you get the most out of life when you don’t face what’s in front of you?

Because of the way reality tend to be, some people prefer to go for chaos than to be real. And you know, chaos still exists in ‘reality’, so would you want to settle for unreal chaos? I would rather settle for the chaos that exists in reality, because in there, I get to be strong and fierce if I happen to make it out, which I know I would.

So what am I saying in essence? Most people dread the thought of their reality, so instead of facing it, they begin to create chaos which makes them kinda forget their reality, but in the meantime, you know.

Because, whether they like it or not, at some point or the other, they would have to face the reality of their lives which they’ve been running away from.

And one thing I’ve come to notice about reality is that it doesn’t haunt or taunt you. It’s just there, while you are running away from something that is not even chasing you. Mehn, that’s crazy!

You might not necessarily be creating chaos for other people, you can also create for yourself as well, and that’s the worst of it all. You just want to fight yourself over every little mistake you make, and that kind of behaviour is not good for you dear friend, so desist from it.


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