5 Unshakable Realities That Guarantee the Success of Your Marriage

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In ‘Unshakable Realities That Guarantee the Success of Your Marriage,’ we delve into these foundational principles that not only illuminate the path to marital prosperity but also provide the insights and wisdom needed to fortify the bonds of love.

Are you tired of too many quarrels in your home and you want your marriage to work? This article is for you!

Statistics have shown that the number of divorce is on the increase. This is not because folks don’t want their marriage to work, but because they do not know how to make their marriage work.

I have five (5) proven, trusted and tested infallible biblical rules, that when you apply it, your marriage will work and you will lock in your spouse for life.

A wise man said “the closest you are to hell is a bad marriage. And the closet you are to a heaven is a good marriage”.

If you want your marriage to be heaven on earth, join me on this journey.

Unshakable Realities That Guarantee the Success of Your Marriage

5 Unshakable Realities That Guarantee the Success of Your Marriage

  1. Become who you want to attract
  2. Depend on the Wisdom of God
  3. Love
  4. Submission
  5. Liberality


Do you know that you naturally attract who you are to yourself. If you want to have a loving, caring, homely, supportive and God-fearing spouse, you have to become one yourself. Before you venture into marriage take time to work on your self to become the kind of person you desire to live with. It is who you are as a single that you bring into the marriage union. Nothing changes at the altar. so to make you marriage work you need to become who want to attract.


Marriage is not  man’s idea, it is God’s idea. so the template for marriage to work is with God. shun the wisdom of the world. The wisdom of the world is been pushed by self acclaimed relationships experts. But the wisdom of God is found in the word of God. So to make your marriage work depend on the wisdom of God.

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In order for your marriage to work you need to love your spouse. Do not allow anyone push you into marriage. Be sure you are in love with the person. Both the man and woman are to love each other, but the Man has the primary responsibility to love the wife. So to make your marriage work, man love your wife.


Submission means to remember that there is a leader. Submission is identifying the leader in a relationship, institution and organization. Marriage is God’s institution and we are to stay submitted to one another. But the one who has the primary responsibility of submission is the wife. Submission is perceived in the tone of your voice. So as a woman who desires her marriage to work, you must stay submitted to your spouse and speak to the king in him.

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Marriage is a life of sacrifice. When you are married, you must be willing to sacrifice for your spouse and your family.

Do not marry if you are still in the realm of ‘my own’. Marriage is ‘our own’ – our house, future, our body. No longer me, I or my but ours.

Remain blessed.


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