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Getting enough sleep is essential for maintaining optimal health and well-being. Like exercise and a balanced diet, sleeping may help prevent a range of health issues, including heart disease and depression. It’s important for people to know that both what you eat, as well as the timing of when you eat, matter when it comes to sleep and long-term health outcomes. There’s also a connection between sleep and how we metabolize food.

That’s why what and when we eat affects sleep, and conversely sleep health affects metabolic health too.

In particular, some foods and beverages can affect the qualityand duration of your sleep, in which you have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or getting quality sleep.

Foods that hinder sleep

1. Pizza

Foods that are higher in saturated fat should not be taken at night. Pizza is one of such foods, because it is high in saturated fat and sodium. If you feel physically uncomfortable after eating overly processed junk food, it certainly won’t do your sleep any favors.

2. Smoothies

We already know excessive consumption of sugar is linked to health issues such as diabetes, weight gain, high blood pressure, and fatty liver disease, to name but a few. It can also make sleep more difficult.

If you are hungry before bed, a complex carbohydrate or protein is a better choice, like whole-wheat toast or a banana with Greek yogurt. Ideally, a meal right before bed should be smaller than ones during your more active portions of the day. One piece of toast with a tablespoon or two of peanut butter, or a small banana should suffice.

3. Cheese

Strong or aged cheese contains naturally high levels of the amino acid, tyramine, which make us feel alert, and deprives one from sleep.

4. Tomatoes

Tomato, despite how healthy and nutritious it is, can actually hinder us from sleeping.

Acidic foods can irritate the stomach lining and elevate acidic pH levels in the body, triggering indigestion, heartburn, and acid reflux, all of which can interfere with sleep . Despite their high levels of vitamin C, iron, and lycopene, tomatoes (including tomato-based foods such as juice and sauce) are considered highly acidic and should be avoided if you are prone to heartburn.

5. Hot Sauce

Spicy foods can cause acid reflux. Acid reflux is more likely to occur when we lie down to sleep because at that moment, a mixture of stomach acid and food being digested might run back up through the esophagus. It is found out that majorly eating spicy foods can cause this.

Try to always wait for at least three hours after a spicy dinner before going to bed to prevent worsening any potential acid reflux that could occur when lying down. This allows for digestion and to cause the contents of the stomach to move to the intestine. This may put an end to issues like nighttime insomnia, Foods high in capsaicin—the chemical that gives peppers their heat—may disrupt sleep by raising body temperature, making it uncomfortable to sleep at all.

6. Water

Despite the advantages of being hydrated, there aren’t many things more annoying than getting a call from nature right before bed. If you regularly drink a lot of water right before bed, this situation—which increases the possibility that sleeping may be disturbed—is not unusual. It’s important to be aware that some natural diuretics might also make it hard for you to sleep.

Despite the fact that many of us are relatively dehydrated without even realizing it, the best time to rehydrate is not right before bed. Drinking too much can keep you awake at night since it interferes with sleeping by causing frequent urination.

7. Alcohol

Alcohol, a depressive, may help you fall asleep more easily before bed, but it also affects the quality of your sleep by disturbing it and reducing sleep. Additionally, binge drinking too much alcohol might result in loud snoring and sleep apnea.

Alcohol loosens the muscles in the throat, making it difficult to breathe normally when you’re sleeping. Drinking alcohol may make it more difficult for the brain to awaken and recognize when the body is low on oxygen. Breathing pauses may become longer and more frequent as a result of this. The study found that alcohol does reduce sleep but also briefly facilitate deep sleep in healthy adults. And the more you drink, the more noticeable these consequences not to sleep are.

8. Caffeine

The psychostimulant (a chemical that stimulates the central nervous system) with not the highest global consumption is caffeine. Although it is most frequently found in drinks like coffee and tea, it can also be found in foods like chocolate.

Caffeine is commonly used to give people energy and help them stay awake. However, consuming too much coffee can impact how much and how well you sleep, as well as how quickly you fall asleep.

Caffeine’s impact on sleep can be lessened by restricting intake in the late afternoon and evening.

9. Cookies and Cakes:

Foods like cookies and cake that are high in fat and sugar can prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep when consumed right before bed. The high saturated fat content of these baked pastries increases the risk of acid reflux, a condition in which stomach acid irritates the esophagus.

A high-sugar diet can also raise blood sugar and insulin levels, which can lead to a chain of events that may result in insomnia and poor sleep quality. It also increases your activity rate, making you more active even at night.

10. Fast Food and Other Ultra-Processed Food

Fast food and other heavily processed foods frequently have excessive salt, saturated fat, and added sugar content. When ingested in excess, these items, like those previously mentioned, can have a negative impact on your health and sleep.

Your health and sleep will both improve if you switch to a diet that is higher in complete foods, such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean meats, and healthy fat



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