14 Effective Tips for Successful Team Management

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Tips for Successful Team Management are essential for any leader striving to foster a productive and harmonious work environment.

Effective Tips for Successful Team Management: Managing a team implies that the proposed dealings are to be executed in communality with more than person. At one point or the other in life, there will always be the need to form a team, usually for the execution of a given or common purpose. Here, the interest and divergence stances of more than one person arise and have to be considered at every point in time.

Tips for Successful Team Management

It is not as simple as handling an individual responsibility. Thus, the effective management of a team is a skill. It is not an easy task to get a team working effectively. Because there is usually someone heading the team, it always happens that such team leader has a direct and heavier responsibility as though the duty to be executed is his personally. He is therefore obliged to get the team working at his desired pace.

The position of the team leader is tantamount to that of a leader properly called. Therefore, he is to possess the qualities of a good leader and execute plans in line with the purpose of the team while still placing a balance on the interest of the team members. Anybody can manage a team. But the line is that it is not about just managing a team but managing it effectively.

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How To Successfully Manage A Large Team

Below are tips on how to manage a team:

1. Clear vision and purpose: Every team has a purpose, whether the purpose was specifically given or arose out of common intention of the team members. It is on the basis of purpose that teams are formed, and it is still the purpose that sustains a team up till the attainment of that purpose.

Therefore, there must be clear and unambiguous vision which must be sufficiently defined and known to every team member. The purpose is the foundation rock of a team. The team leader in managing the team must at all times and in all actions relating to the team, represent the purpose.

2. Direct communication: The need for effective communication will always arise and play its role whenever there is a dealing involving more than one person. The importance of effective communication to a team is overwhelming and cuts across the entire purpose of the team. Communication therefore must be made directly to the relevant person or persons except when it is impracticable to do so.

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In the delegation of duties, communication should be direct and not delegated. Delegation of communication encourages reluctance as it creates an impression of unimportance and disregard on the duty and the person.

3. Transparent communication: This simply implies that the dealings with the team should be transparent. Every of the team member should be well informed to the last extent of any development in the affairs of the team.

This suggests carrying each and everyone along. It is a team, remember, and no member should have the feeling of being left out. The disregard of this is where conflicts are nurtured.

4. Appropriate Delegation of Duties: For effective management, the team leader is expected to be an administrator properly called. He is to have an all-inclusive administration. Every team member must be involved in carrying out some duties. This too creates a sense of belonging and sense of individual responsibility.

The delegation of duties helps to reduce errors and facilitate the smooth execution of plans. If the team leader should perform all duties while leaving the team members behind, it usually yields counter-productive effect. Conflict may arise, mistakes would be made and members may begin to lose interest since there is no sense of belonging. There is absolutely nothing they are doing in the team.

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5. Creation of avenue for feedback: When duties are delegated, there should be avenue for feedback as to how the delegated task was carried out. When the team members do not report back, the team leader should call them to order to give feedback. This too encourages transparency.

6. Recognition of efforts: When the team members offer contributions, their efforts must be properly acknowledged. Credits must be given to one who deserves it. Asides that it is the right thing to do, it operates as motivation for the members to put in more effort and yield a positive result.

7. Treat team members with respect: As a team leader, your team members must be respected till the last. There is no person that is comfortable with disrespect, and there is a limit every human being can be stretched. Even when the respect does not flow naturally, you just have to be intentional about it if you really want the purpose of the team to be attained.

Disrespect is something very sensitive and can be easily perceived. You are to treat your teammates with respect and honour, but of course not to the extent that it backfires to you. Remember that you are still the leader and your position deserves the most respect.

8. Equal treatment to team members: While it is impossible to like everyone equally, your degree of likeness to one over the other should not prejudice the right attitude of treating your teammates equally. As a team leader, your team members are sensitive of how you treat them.

The odd part is that most often, it is actually the attitude of your teammates that dictate how you treat them. But then, your focus must at all times be fixed on the purpose of the team. Preferential treatment leads to conflict and incidental loss of purpose.

9. Coaching and Supervision: As the manager of the team, it is your duty to coach and supervise the team while they execute the duties which you have delegated to them. This is to ensure that they are performing in line with the purpose, but not without much pressure and interference against their sense of independence.

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10. Opinion of team members: For the effective management of a team, it is important to seek the opinion of the team members. The importance of this is overwhelming. It makes the team a team properly called. It instills in the team members the sense of relevance and belonging and strengthens the team.

11. Build relationship beyond working: Having a team is an opportunity to establish personal relationship with your teammates; a relationship beyond just works. You can make the best of a team when your teammates are your friends.

12. Lead by example: It is an amazing thing to have a team leader who leads by example. As a team leader, this is the best thing to be for the progress of your team. A leader who leads by example has greater chances of having a successful team.

13. Conflict management: A team is made up of more than one person with diverse perceptions, interests and personalities. One of the most important skills to be possessed by the team leader is the ability to manage conflict. As for whether conflicts will arise, it is settled that it will.

14. Motivation: The team leader should have the ability to ginger the team members to be zealous and commit the right attitude to duties. Managing the team is about driving the members to act in line with the purpose of the team and at your desired pace.


Effective management of a team presupposes that there is a team leader whether expressly appointed or otherwise. The bulk of the responsibility of moving the team forward lies on the leader. He is to delegate duties, get everyone involved and execute policies in line with the purpose of the team. In the end, a team remains a team and its proper administration or otherwise affects all the members. So, all hands must be on deck


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