Step By Step On How To Sell on OLX And Make Money

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Thinking of how to sell on OLX? Then keep reading as this article gives a break down on the steps to take to sell on OLX and make money.

How To Sell on OLX

OLX is offering you a platform that you don’t pay to register where you can sell any old stuff you have and wish to do away with, new goods you don’t like, or a gift given to you that you don’t want to use.

With OLX, you can sell something as little as your radio set or as big as your house, car or even a company.

OLX gives everyone the opportunity to make money online from their old/new kinds of stuff and you keep the whole commission.

The firm which began business in Nigeria in 2012, operates an online classifieds site, which offers Nigerians the platform to trade second-hand items, especially household items and personal effects.

The survey report about transactions between sellers and buyers on the OLX platform in Nigeria was released for the first time in commemoration of its 5th anniversary, to showcase trends within the local second-hand market from last year.

How to sell on OLX platform in Nigeria

Here are the steps on how to Sell on OLX platform in Nigeria:

1. Visit the Website

The initial step to selling on the OLX Nigeria platform is to browse and visit the website.

2. Create an Account

In the next stage of buying and selling on OLX Nigeria platform, create an account by clicking on the register link next to the sign-in link at the right corner of the website, it is important to note not that if you have an account already, you just have to click on the sign-in link

3. Get your Items to be Sold

Selling items on the OLX Nigeria platform is easy just like going through for friends on social media.

4. Take Shots of your Items

Taking a good shot and having clear and not blurry pictures of your item increases your chances of selling so you have to make the images clear and precise

5. Select a Category

Items sold on this platform are usually arranged in categories ranging from phones, tablets, fashion electronics, and vehicles to real estate, and other categories of items. To sell, choose the category to which your item belongs too.

6. Upload a Picture

The next stage after putting up your ad title is to upload pictures for desiring buyers to have a view of what they intend to buy and their item. The maximum file size should be 1MB per photo.

7. Put up an Ad Title and Description

It is important to note that when choosing an advertisement is to make it short and descriptive as well as make it intriguing. The title should at least have 60 characters. The item description is where your buys know about the specification and relevant details about your item.

8. Set your Price

Make your price known, flexible, and real for your items. It should not be too high nor too low so people would not be skeptical about your item.

9. Make Available your Information

Your prospective buyers will need to reach out concerning your items where they need more information. Make sure to include a means to get to you in your Ad and endeavor to reply to all questions and texts sent to you.

10. Post your Ad

At the proper completion of all these stages, the next stage requires you to post your ad on the OLX Nigeria platform for viewing and inquiries by prospective buyers.

Ad on the OLX usually goes through a review process by the OLX team to know if the details provided are good enough to guide and convince buyers.


So with these 10 easy steps, finding out how to sell on OLX shouldn’t be a problem anymore


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