Nurturing Our Local Communities: Fostering a Sense of Pride

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In an era where global connections are more prevalent than ever, it’s crucial not to overlook the power and significance of nurturing our local communities. These communities form the foundation of our societies, fostering shared values, support systems, and a sense of belonging. Discover how investing in and nurturing our local communities can have far-reaching positive impacts, creating a stronger and more vibrant collective fabric.

No matter the place we now called home, wether here or abroad, we all came from a local community, a village, a small town. We all had a humble beginning and some of us even grown up learning the values,morals, traditional ways and skills that made some of us the kind of men and women we turn out to be today.
So, on this journey, i shall be looking at the back history, origin, evolvement of some of our local communities at this present-day Nigeria. There are some peculiarities and traits that distinct these communities from one another but almost all tends to have one unique quality in areas of their stories of origin.

Nurturing Our Local Communities

Every single adult living today in Nigeria came from a community, a village or a small town and as this piece has been put today, these places still exist and so many have developed into an urban centres. From my state, Edo state, community are headed or control by the most senior man by age called Edionware by the approval of the Palace while in some others community, the Oba of Benin appoint a traditional head called the Enogie to oversee a group of 4 to 5 communities and this is hereditary. The Edionware and the Enogie are subjected to and loyal to the authority of the Oba and the Palace. Their duties is to see to the smooth running of their respective communities in area disputes resolution, land and boundary issues, people safety and protection, information sharing between the Palace and the people. The Enogie and Edionware work directly with the dictate of the Palace and he is expected to abide and sometime reports any incidents beyond his scope to the Palace for resolution.

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This is just an introduction, but I shall further expand my scope of writing to the various community’s origin and their belief including the locations.

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