Navigating a Non-Lucrative Talent: What Steps to Take

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By taking proactive steps and embracing a flexible mindset, you can transform a non-lucrative talent into a source of fulfillment and, potentially, financial success.

Let’s take a look at things you need to do if your talent is not lucrative.

Very simple, change your talent to a lucrative one {just kidding}

Talent, as defined by Marriam Webster dictionary, means so many things some of which are the natural endowments of a person, a characteristic feature, aptitude, or disposition of a person or animal, etc. that aside, talent can be seen as an exceptional skill, ability or knowledge possessed by a person.


Talent ranges from being good in art, creativity, decision making, leadership, solving problems, public speaking, self-management, storytelling, strategic thinking, credibility, etc. the list is limitless and still some people fail to discover or realize their talents {funny right}.


If Mr A and Mr B are friends, and Mr A studied engineering while the latter studied chemistry. Looking at both of them, most people will assume that Mr A has a better chance of being successful financially because he studied a  professional course. That assumption comes from the fact that being an engineer is more lucrative than being a chemist.

Back to what brought us here. Lucrative simply means producing wealth i.e. profitable. For something to be termed as being lucrative it means it has a high probability of generating wealth. Many a time people study different career and assume some are more lucrative and venture into the so-called lucrative career. But critically looking at it, all career has people who are extremely wealthy, ever ask yourself why? If no, try asking yourself now.

Same ideology affects talent. You will hear things like “he’s lucky because he knows how to sing but I don’t know how to sing. If only I could, my life would have been better” failing to realize that it’s more than just talent. Without opportunity, hard work and consistency, it will be a different ball game. Don’t allow society deceive you that it’s all about some particular talen.t

Ever pictured Michael Jackson being a boxer and mike Tyson being a musician? The world wouldn’t have seen one of the best musicians and boxers. Instead, they discovered their talent, invested in it by constant practice and hard work and they were both successful in their various field.

Find that thing that drives you crazy, that always interest you, that you enjoy doing even if it’s lame and funny. That’s your talent. The Internet has made things easy for this generation with google being the fulcrum. Go online, buy books and find out how people have made money doing those things you like. Seize one or two ideas from them. And start working hard towards it. HARD WORK PAYS.

Hard work always beat talent when talent won’t work hard enough

Funny enough, I’ve not answered the question. Reasons being that the question does not exist in reality, little knowledge of things makes people ask such questions. The bottom line is all talents are lucrative and no talent is non-lucrative. Hope you understood that?

So, remove such notion from your mind that some talents are not lucrative. Any talent you have, invest in it, work hard {VERY IMPORTANT} and the sky will be your limit or your starting point depending on which of those statements work for you.

So tell me, are there any non-lucrative talents?


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