Ekiti State JAMB Coordinator Analyzes Exam Pressure.

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Exam Pressure

The Ekiti State Coordinator delves into the phenomenon of exam pressure in the latest statement regarding JAMB examinations.

The pressure that usually trails the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) conducted by the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board(JAMB) may not be unconnected with the preference for university education and failure to cover the prescribed syllabi for the examination by candidates.

The Ekiti State Coordinator of the Board, Mr Abdulhakim Abdulhammeed, shared this view in a telephone chat with JAMBulletin in Abuja on Friday.

He said the pressure by parents and guardians on the candidates to obtain high scores that would secure selected programmes in universities for the candidates is the genesis of the various attempts by candidates to engage in examination irregularities.

The Coordinator said “Some parents’ insistence that their wards should study particular programmes and foisting such programmes on them without taking into cognizance the capacity or interest of their wards is contributing to their desperation to pass by all means in public examination like the UTME.

From experience, many of these candidates are forced by their parents to pick programmes that satisfy the desires of the parents rather than the candidates. For instance, some parents would want their children to pick Medicine, Law or Engineering and nothing else.”

He said, “The overwhelming preference for university education has also exerted much pressure on the Board which has to deal with a situation whereby other tiers of tertiary institutions are denied their fair share of candidates.

It is so bad that when slots are available for admission in those other tiers of tertiary institutions and candidates, who for obvious reasons are unable to secure placement in the university, are advised to consider offers of admission in the Polytechnics or Colleges of Education,
they turn such suggestions down.”

According to the Coordinator, another factor is the excessive preference for certification over talent by employers of labour in the country. He said, “I personally feel a person’s ability and productivity should not be determined by the certificate he/she possesses alone. As such, those values that a person brings to whatever he does should be the principal yardstick of competence.

The earlier we realise that the various levels of tertiary institutions are designed to serve specific purposes, the better. This is because every tier has a functional role expected of it which doesn’t make others inferior.”

The highly-resourceful State Coordinator with eight years meritorious service under his belt as Ogun State JAMB Coordinator, who is currently the Ekiti State JAMB Coordinator, said the drop in the reading culture of students could also be responsible for many of the acts of examination misconduct perpetrated by candidates during examinations.

He explained that many of these candidates desire the good life which they know only education can offer them but are not prepared to study to achieve it rather they would want to cut corners. He, therefore, advised candidates to prepare for the examinations.

He said, “I believe when they prepare very well, desperation will be history. Parents, on the other hand, should guide their children to make the right decisions and ensure they are not pressured to study courses they do not have the capacity for.

For instance, the Board had to issue a circular stopping third party transactions on behalf of candidates. Under the present dispensation, not even parents can transact business on behalf of their wards as the Board noticed that parents were making changes with respect to career choices for candidates without their knowledge or consent.”

He called on all and sundry to address the challenges of apathy of candidates towards reading and the quest to cut corners, among others. Narrating the innovations put in place by the Board to check all incidences of examination infractions, he said cheating does not pay as perpetrators will certainly be caught given the various innovations put in place by the Board.

According to the State Coordinator, hard work is the easiest way to the top. He added that the Board, under the administration of Prof. Is-haq Oloyede, had tenaciously ensured that adequate information is provided to the public on every step taken so that nobody is in the dark on several innovations that are introduced to enhance the operations of the Board.

He said advisories are consistently being issued while stakeholders’ meetings are held as and when due to deliberate on how best to address feedback from the candidates and the general public.

Mr Abdulhakim commended the uncommon leadership style and support the Registrar had provided to the Board particularly the State Coordinators in the realisation of the mandate of the Board.

He said, “State Coordinators will continue to give their best given the tremendous support accorded them by the Oloyedeled Management. His leadership qualities in the areas of accountability, transparency and doggedness have made all of us proud. The society also expects us
all to replicate these qualities.

We all know it’s no longer business as usual as he keeps us all on our toes to deliver results.” On his work schedule in Ekiti State, the innovative State Coordinator said his work primarily is to bring the Board’s services closer to the people of Ekiti, manage the Human Resources in the state and provide interventions where necessary.

He said, “I also cultivate a good relationship with stakeholders as well as project the positive image of the Board in the state and carry out other duties assigned to me by the Registrar”.

Continuing, “On assumption of duty in Ekiti State, in September last year, I visited stakeholders in the state which made it easy to relate with them and inform them of the Board’s activities and innovations. Thus, a cordial relationship has been sustained with all concerned.

As such, they are promptly informed on innovations as soon as they are introduced.” On the recommendation and accreditation of Computer-Based Centres, he said, ”I believe the issue of standard is sacrosanct as it projects credibility and aids productivity. The accredited CBT centres in Ekiti State are closely monitored to ensure that they do the needful at all times.

I don’t wait until the accreditation period before I visit these centres or invite them to the office to sensitize them periodically.”


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