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The kitchen is an essential part of any home and serves as a special space for preparing and cooking food. Its role goes beyond cooking, as it also involves activities such as planning meals, keeping things organized, and storing ingredients. A carefully designed kitchen combines practicality with a pleasing appearance to create the perfect setting for culinary tasks.

The main purpose of a kitchen is to help with food preparation involving tasks like cutting, mixing, marinating, and combining ingredients. To make these tasks easier, necessary tools such as knives, cutting boards, blenders, mixers, and food processors are provided. The main purpose of a kitchen is cooking, which is achieved by using heat sources like stovetops, ovens, and microwaves to transform raw ingredients into delicious cooked dishes. In a typical kitchen, you can expect to find a range or cooktop with burners for cooking, an oven for baking or roasting, and a microwave for quickly heating or defrosting. Each of these appliances is vital in creating various culinary masterpiece.

The kitchen is often used and can easily become messy, especially after cooking. So, it’s important to learn how to keep it clean. This skill is valuable because it helps maintain a peaceful home, keeps kitchen utensils in good condition, ensures a clean cooking environment, and ultimately contributes to personal happiness.


Kitchens tend to become messy and disorganized after a large meal has been cooked, especially when the kitchen is small or when the meal involved complex preparation and presented exceptional difficulty. The good thing is tidying up your kitchen after cooking doesn’t have to be such a daunting task! In fact, it becomes much simpler once you learn some efficient techniques.

First thing first, start by clearing away unused ingredients, cutting boards and utensils. This will help you be more organized and focus on the work before you. It is best to pack out every unused ingredients and items to avoid mixing them up with the used or dirty items.

Next, gather all the dirty dishes and separate them into categories like glasses, plates, pots, and pans. Packing them into categories helps you create an order, remove the overwhelming feeling of doing dishes and create a clean and organized space for you to work in. If you have a dishwasher, load all the appropriate dishes into the dishwasher.

After that, wipe the countertops, walls around the cooking area and stove. Wipe down the surfaces with a damp cloth or sponge, using a mild dish soap if needed. For stubborn stains or greasy spots, a gentle scrub with baking soda and water can work wonders. Give the stovetop a good scrub, removing any food residue or spills.

Next, wash the dirty dishes and keep to dry: The next step is to clean the dishes and utensils used for cooking. Start by filling the sink or bowl with water; add soap. Soak the dishes for a few minutes to loosen any food particles. While they soak, wipe down the sink, faucet, and handles with a disinfecting cleaner in other to eliminate any bacteria or odor. Once the dishes have soaked, give them a thorough wash, rinse, and place them in a dish rack to air dry.

Next, move to the floor: After cleaning your kitchen surface, you will realize that most of the crumbs from the kitchen surface clean up and the cooking process, fell on the floor. Sweep away any food crumbs or debris using a broom and a dustpan or vacuum cleaner. After the floor has been swept, the next thing to do is to mop the kitchen floor. Simply fill a bucket with water; hot or cold, add detergent and mop every part of the kitchen while making sure not to walk on the wet part. Pay attention to the floor close to the stove or oven and make sure to scrub any stain or hardened food. Throw the soapy water, fill the bucket with water, this time without soap and clean again.

In addition, make sure to clean your oven, microwave, or toaster oven by giving them a gentle wipe with a damp cloth or sponge. Take care of any spills or splatters on the stovetop using an appropriate cleaner or soapy water. To tackle leftover food debris or grease in the oven, you can choose either an oven cleaner or a mixture of baking soda and water. After this, the only task left is to pack away the clean dishes that has had time to dry.

Finally, pause for a moment to admire your immaculately clean kitchen. Take a look at the organized shelves, gleaming appliances, neat countertops and allow satisfaction wash over you. Remember that the minutes spent scrubbing away stubborn stains were not in vain. All that matters is seeing the fruit of your labor and that the clean and organized kitchen is an invitation to explore new recipes, and create more mind-blowing culinary masterpiece.

Don’t forget, keeping your kitchen clean and tidy doesn’t just create a healthier atmosphere, but also ensures a pleasant cooking experience. So, make it routine to tidy up after each cooking session, and your kitchen will always be a warm and inviting place.Cleanliness is next to godliness.


Kitchen is a conducive environment for bacteria to strive and multiply. This is because kitchen is a moist and warm environment. Just like in other aspects of life, there are myths in cleaning the kitchen and if you are to do an effective job in cleaning your kitchen, you need to know these few kitchen myths.

Baking Soda fixes everything. Baking soda doesn’t remove stuck on foods from pans and pots. Baking Soda doesn’t remove every stain from pots.

Knife blocks doesn’t need cleaning . It does needs cleaning because without cleaning, moulds can be transferred to your knife and fork thereby making it unhygienic.

It is not true that vinegar can clean anything and everything.

These are few kitchen cleaning myths that you should know. I hope this was helpful.



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