Advantages and Disadvantages of Military Rule

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The advantages and disadvantages of military rule are multifaceted and complex, often prompting spirited debates about the best form of governance for a nation.

Advantages and disadvantages of military rule: Various forms and systems of government, either the popular and legitimate or the illegitimate ones have existed in the various communities, states, or countries of the world.

In the territory called Nigeria today which was originally a sparse land with various nations and kingdoms, the monarchical system of government reined, then the colonial masters came on board (The British) with their indirect rule which did not completely take powers off the monarchs but used them during their administration and afterward, in the post-colonial era of Nigeria, various systems of government have been practiced whether in isolation or conjunction with any other system because of their similar features.

Some of the systems are presidential, parliamentary or cabinet system, republican, and the most current is the federal system. It is important to note that in all the transmissions that occurred with these various systems in Nigeria, there was also the intervention by the military in the form of coup de tat and this formed the military system of government where the government of the people was military heads of state, and the mode of election was more coups. This is an anomaly rather than a normal situation and it occurred not only in Nigeria but in other African states for example, Togo which was the first West African country to experience a major coup in 1963, and also Ghana where the first president Kwameh Nkrumah was removed from office through a coup, Egypt and others, then Asia and even Central and South America.

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