2023/2024 Admission List for Igueben College of Education

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Welcome to the unveiling of the Admission List for Igueben College of Education—an eagerly anticipated moment that marks the culmination of aspirations and the dawn of new educational journeys. With great excitement, we present the names of the individuals who have successfully secured their positions, reflecting their dedication and the institution’s commitment to academic excellence. Join us in celebrating this pivotal step towards knowledge and growth.

The management of the College of Education, Igueben, has released the names of candidates offered provisional admission into its NCE programmes for the academic session.

COE Igueben admission list is now available online.

Admission List for Igueben College of Education

How to Check College of Education Igueben Admission List

  1. Go to COE Igueben admission status checking portal at https://coeigueben.kademic.com.ng/uportal/cgi/students/prospective/apply/cresult_a.php.
  2. Supply your Admission Status Pin (XXXXXXXXXX), serial number and registration number (e.g COEIGU/11/00000) in the required column.
  3. Finally, click on the login button to access your admission status and print your admission letter.

If admitted, proceed to https://coeigueben.kademic.com.ng/uportal/cgi/students/prospective/ to pay the admission acceptance fee.

Successfully admitted candidates are advised to go on the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) Central Admission Processing System (CAPS) portal to ACCEPT or REJECT their admission offer –  How to Reject/Accept Your Admission on JAMB CAPS.

That’s the much we can take on the topic “2023/2024 Admission List for Igueben College of Education”.

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