60 Daily Self-Care Affirmations to Boost Mental Health

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These Daily Self-Care Affirmations are a valuable daily guide to nurturing emotional well-being, reducing stress, and fostering a sense of self-worth.

Daily Self-Care Affirmations

Hi guys, today we would be looking at daily positive affirmations for self-care.

You are probably wondering and asking yourself what your affirmations have got to do with your self-care.

Well, Everything!

Infact being mindful of your affirmations is part of the overall self-care process and is more paramount than you imagine.

Before we properly delve into the daily positive affirmations for self-care. Let’s take a brief look at self-care itself.

Properly dishing out a brief definition of self-care is something I always endeavour to do each time I write about self-care.

You would see that even in my last post where I wrote about the 15 best daily self-care ideas to practice for optimal health

I always feel the need to do this because often times when people hear the word self-care, they probably think I’m referring majorly to the physical.

Well, I’m not.

So, is there more to self-care than meets the eye?



So by Definition What really is self-care?

Self-care is taking care of your body and mind as a whole. As you can see you aren’t taking care of your body alone.

Your mind is also as important, if not more important especially in this generation where chronic depression has become a norm.

You could carefully go through self-care and its 6 major types in order to get more insight on self-care and know the kind you really need.

Affirmations and Self-Care

The word affirmation comes from the Latin affirmare, originally meaning “to make steady, strengthen”

Affirmations are positive statements that can help you to challenge and overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts

It’s the primary act of positive thinking and self-empowerment. When you repeat them often and believe in them, you can start to make positive changes.

Affirmations happen to play a very good role during mental, emotional or psychological self-care.

Positive affirmations are very necessary because they help to strengthen our mind and build our self-confidence.

There are daily necessities that contribute to keeping you optimally healthy and we could say affirmations are one of them.

Now, what are these daily positive affirmations that could boost your mental health?

60 Daily Affirmations to boost your mental health and build your self-esteem

  1. Every day is a fresh start
  2. I’m grateful for today
  3. I would be the best I can today
  4. I love and accept myself for who I am
  5. I am wonderfully made
  6. Everything would be okay
  7. I believe in myself
  8. I am the best of my kind and last of my type
  9. I am going to be productive today
  10. I won’t listen to any useless chatter of my mind
  11. I am the best
  12. I am worthy
  13. I am unique
  14. Today is a new day filled with me opportunities for me
  15. I am not where u want to be but I am not where I use to be
  16. I am thankful
  17. I am proud of myself
  18. I am enough
  19. Nobody is perfect, I accept my flaws
  20. I forgive myself for yesterday
  21. I would do better today
  22. I am amazing
  23. I am strong
  24. I am beautiful
  25. All of my problems have solutions
  26. Today is going to be awesome
  27. My happiness is in my hands
  28. No matter what I refuse to frown
  29. I would achieve my goals
  30. I am not alone
  31. I choose positivity every day
  32. I would get through anything
  33. It’s okay not to know everything
  34. I can do anything I put my mind to do
  35. I choose to be happy
  36. Whatever I’m going through, someone has been there and conquered it
  37. Today I choose to be confident
  38. Only good things would come my way
  39. My competition is who I was yesterday
  40. My past doesn’t define me
  41. I would act with compassion
  42. I inhale confidence and exhale fear
  43. There is power within me
  44. Peace begins with me
  45. All is well and good in my life
  46. I am safe, divinely guided and protected
  47. What’s meant for me will surely find me
  48. I can’t please everyone
  49. I am going to do m because people would talk regardless
  50. I matter too
  51. I would be kind to myself
  52. I can’t control everything
  53. I do not need to compare myself
  54. I lead with love
  55. I’m capable
  56. I’m a survivor and a conqueror
  57. I am so blessed
  58. I would definitely make my loved ones proud
  59. I’m prone to errors and I would make corrections
  60. I’ve done my best today

Thanks for reading guys. Kindly share and leave your comments below.


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