6 Popular Igbo Soups and How to Prepare Them

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Igbo soups are rich, nutritious and delicious. They are typically thick and usually made with a variety of vegetables, assorted meat, and spices.

Most Igbo soups get their titles from the name of the vegetable used in cooking it.

And if there are more than one vegetable in the soup, it bears the name of the main vegetable.

These soups are often served with traditional staples like pounded yam, fufu, or eba. Each soup has its own unique flavor and ingredients, making them an essential part of Igbo culinary culture and the Nigerian cuisine.

This blog post explains six popular Igbo soups. Read on to learn how to cook them.

Different Types of Igbo Soups

There are different types of soups peculiar to the Igbos. Some are:

1. Ofe oha
2. Ofe onugbu
3. Ofe akwu
4. Ofe ahara
5. Ofe nsala
6. Ofe oziza

How to Cook Ofe Oha (Oha Soup)

Oha soup is one of the popular Igbo soups we have. Oha leaf is called African Rosewood in English and its botanical name is Pterocarpus mildbraedii.

It is rich in vitamins and minerals and can be enjoyed with different swallows when prepared.

Ingredients For Cooking Oha Soup

Meat of choice
Oha leaves
Oziza leaves
Palm oil
Dried fish
Stock fish
Roasted fish
Blended crayfish
Blended fresh pepper
Periwinkles (optional)
Cow skin (ponmo)
Seasoning cubes
Thickener (cocoyam, achi, ofor or cocoyam flour)
Spices (nutmeg powder, garlic, ground pepper)

Igbo Soups

Procedure For Cooking Oha Soup

Marinate the meat with salt, onions, seasoning cubes, and spices
Wash, shred the oziza leaves and keep aside
Wash the oha leaves and cut into small bits with your hands
Wash the cocoyam and boil. Peel the bark and pound or blend to form a paste. Keep aside
Boil the marinated meat until tender
Add the cow skin and allow to cook
Add the stock fish, dried fish, roasted fish, periwinkles, crayfish and pepper and allow to cook for a while
Add the ogiri and palm oil and allow to cook
Add the thickener, stir properly to prevent lumps from forming and allow to cook
Add the shredded oziza leaves and allow to cook
Add the oha leaves, mix and allow to cook for about five minutes
Serve with preferred swallow

How to Cook Ofe Onugbu (Bitterleaf Soup)

Bitter leaf has medicinal properties and is usually used for treatment of illnesses.

When prepared as a soup, the bitter taste is not as pronounced, and so it’s a favorite soup among many Igbos.

Ingredients For Cooking Ofe Onugbu

Meat of choice
Palm oil
Dried fish
Stock fish
Roasted fish
Blended crayfish
Blended fresh pepper
Cow skin (ponmo)
Seasoning cubes
Thickener (cocoyam, achi, ofor or cocoyam flour)
Spices (nutmeg powder, garlic, ground pepper)

Procedure For Cooking Ofe Onugbu

Marinate the meat with salt, onions, seasoning cubes, and spices
Wash the bitter leaf by rubbing it between your palms (like you’re washing clothes) to reduce the bitter taste. You can also buy washed bitterleaf from the market
Boil the washed bitter leaf in water for about five minutes. This further reduces the bitter taste
Pour the boiled bitter leaf in a colander to drain off excess water
Wash the cocoyam and boil. Peel the bark and pound or blend to form a paste. Keep aside
Boil the marinated meat until tender
Add the cow skin and allow to cook
Add the stock fish, dried fish, roasted fish, crayfish and pepper and allow to cook for a while
Add the ogiri and palm oil and allow to cook
Add the thickener, stir properly to prevent lumps from forming and allow to cook
Add the drained bitterleaf, mix properly and allow to cook
Serve with preferred swallow

How to Cook Ofe Akwu (Banga Soup)

Ofe akwu is a versatile Igbo soup. Asides from swallow, it can be eaten with boiled rice, yam or plantain.

It is prepared from palm kernel nuts and other ingredients and is packed with a lot of nutrients.

Ingredients For Cooking Ofe Akwu

Meat (beef, or goat meat)
Palm kernel nuts
Dried fish
Stock fish
Roasted fish
Blended crayfish
Blended fresh pepper
Cow skin (ponmo)
Seasoning cubes
Banga spice
Vegetable (scent leaves or oziza leaves)
Spices (nutmeg powder, garlic, ground pepper)


Igbo Soups

Procedure For Cooking Ofe Akwu

Marinate the meat with salt, onions, seasoning cubes, and spices
Boil the marinated meat until tender
Add the cow skin and allow to cook
Add the stock fish, dried fish, roasted fish, crayfish and pepper, allow to cook for a while and set aside
Wash and shred the vegetable
Wash the palm kernel nut and boil until soft
Drain the water, pound or blend and extract the palm kernel juice
Add the palm kernel juice to a pot and boil on high heat till it begins to thicken and you notice oil on the surface of the soup
Add the banga spice and allow to cook well
Add the vegetable, cooked proteins and stock, stir well and allow to boil for a while
Serve with preferred swallow, boiled rice, yam or plantain

How to Cook Ofe Ahara

Unlike oha and other Igbo soups, ofe ahara is not so common. However, it is a nutritious soup made from the leaves of garden egg plant.

It is rich in vitamins and minerals and has a lot of health benefits. Its method of preparation is similar to that of oha soup.

Ingredients For Cooking Ofe Ahara

Meat (beef, or goat meat)
Ahara leaves (garden egg leaves)
Palm oil
Dried fish
Stock fish
Roasted fish
Blended crayfish
Blended fresh pepper
Cow skin (ponmo)
Seasoning cubes
Thickener (cocoyam, achi, ofor or cocoyam flour)
Spices (nutmeg powder, garlic, ground pepper)

Procedure For Cooking Ofe Ahara

Marinate the meat with salt, onions, seasoning cubes, and spices
Wash and shred the ahara leaves
Wash the cocoyam and boil. Peel the bark and pound or blend to form a paste. Keep aside
Boil the marinated meat until tender
Add the cow skin and allow to cook
Add the stock fish, dried fish, roasted fish, crayfish and pepper and allow to cook for a while
Add the ogiri and palm oil and allow to cook
Add the thickener, stir properly to prevent lumps from forming and allow to cook
Add the ahara leaf, mix properly and allow to cook
Serve with preferred swallow

How to Cook Ofe Nsala

Ofe nsala, usually called white soup, is another popular Igbo soup. It is the thicker version of pepper soup and is cooked without palm oil, hence the name.

It is usually prepared with a variety of fish, especially catfish. Here’s how to cook Ofe nsala:

Ingredients For Cooking Ofe Nsala

Fresh pepper
Utazi leaf
Seasoning cubes

Procedure For Cooking Ofe Nsala

Wash the cat fish with hot water, lime or alum to get rid of the slime
Add the catfish to a pot and add water
Peel, wash the yam and cut into small pieces
Add the yam to the pot and cook until soft. Then bring out and pound
Chop the utazi and pound or blend with the pepper, onions, ogiri and crayfish
Add the pounded yam to the pot in bits and allow to dissolve
Add the blended utazi and pepper mix and allow to cook
Once the yam dissolves, it thickens the soup and it is ready
Serve with preferred swallow


How to Cook Ofe Oziza

Ofe oziza is similar to oha soup. The difference is that the main and only leaf is the oziza leaf.

It is a nutritious soup that can be eaten with any swallow of your choice. Here’s how to cook ofe oziza:


Ingredients For Cooking  Ofe Oziza

Oziza leaves
Palm oil
Dried fish
Stock fish
Roasted fish
Blended crayfish
Blended fresh pepper
Cow skin (ponmo)
Seasoning cubes
Thickener (cocoyam, achi, ofor or cocoyam flour)
Spices (nutmeg powder, garlic, ground pepper)

Procedure For Cooking Ofe Oziza

Marinate the meat with salt, onions, seasoning cubes, and spices
Wash and shred the oziza leaves
Wash the cocoyam and boil. Peel the bark and pound or blend to form a paste. Keep aside
Boil the marinated meat until tender
Add the cow skin and allow to cook
Add the stock fish, dried fish, roasted fish, crayfish and pepper and allow to cook for a while
Add the ogiri and palm oil and allow to cook
Add the thickener, stir properly to prevent lumps from forming and allow to cook
Add the oziza leaves, mix properly and allow to cook
Serve with preferred swallow

If you’re from the Eastern part of Nigeria, you’re most likely familiar with these soups. And if you’re not, we hope you’ve learnt how to cook them from this blog post.

These popular Igbo soups can be cooked at home for the family and for any occasion like birthdays, weddings, naming ceremonies etc.

We hope you have fun trying them out. Happy cooking!



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