12 Healthy Breakfast Ideas to Start Your Day Right

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Having healthy breakfast ideas at your fingertips is a lifesaver. I’ve realized that it’s one thing to know how to cook, and it’s an entirely different thing to know what to cook each passing day.

So it’s 8 am, you’re out of bed and probably thinking of what to eat already. Your mind seems to have forgotten all the ingredients you’ve got in your kitchen. And you just have no idea what to have for breakfast, much less a healthy idea. I know that feeling, I’ve been there.

Breakfast is no doubt the most important meal of the day.  But having to decide what to eat can be a daunting task. Now it’s not just enough to gulp down anything, eating healthy should be a priority.

Healthy Breakfast

There are several benefits of starting your day with a healthy breakfast. This blog post shows you some of the benefits. It also gives you healthy breakfast ideas so you don’t have to stress about it or starve again.

Benefits of Having a Healthy Breakfast Daily

Asides from days where you’re observing a fast, you should endeavor to eat something healthy before you begin your day.

Having a healthy breakfast daily offers several benefits, including:

1. It improves your energy level

A healthy breakfast supplies essential nutrients and fuels your body, boosting energy levels for the day ahead.

2. It improves concentration and focus

Eating breakfast enhances cognitive function, which helps you stay focused and attentive.

3. It aids in weight management

A healthy breakfast can regulate your appetite and reduce the likelihood of overeating later in the day, aiding in weight management.

4. It enhances metabolism

Breakfast jump-starts your metabolism. Overnight, your body fasted, hence the term breakfast. The moment you have breakfast, it signals your body to begin the metabolic processes. This promotes efficient calorie burning and weight control.

Healthy Breakfast

5. A healthy breakfast supplies nutrients to your body

Beginning your day with a healthy breakfast ensures you get the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients necessary for your overall health and to begin your day.

6. It ensures you have a stable blood sugar level

A healthy breakfast helps maintain stable blood sugar levels, reducing the risk of energy crashes, mood swings, and irritability.

7. It improves digestion

Consuming a healthy breakfast regularly supports regular bowel movements which improves digestion.

Healthy Breakfast

8. It promotes better physical performance

You can ride on the energy gotten from a healthy breakfast for a long time. You’re not likely to be fatigued easily, especially if you engage in strenuous physical activities.

9. It reduces the risk of chronic diseases

Regularly having a healthy breakfast may contribute to a reduced risk of chronic conditions like heart disease and diabetes.

List of Healthy Breakfast Ideas in Nigeria

Having known the benefits of having breakfast, we have curated a list of healthy breakfast ideas to help you get started on nourishing your body daily.

1. Yam and Egg

This is one popular healthy breakfast option in Nigeria that doesn’t require much time to prepare. You can also have different variations of it. I.e.: boiled, fried, or roasted yam with egg sauce.

Simply boil, fry, or roast your yam slices and prepare the sauce. The sauce is prepared by sauteing onions, pepper, tomatoes, and any other vegetable of your choice in hot vegetable oil.

When the vegetables are well cooked, add whisked eggs, stir, and allow to cook. Turn off the heat, serve, and have a feast.

2. Pap and Akara

Pap is often called akamu or ogi in Igbo and Yoruba languages respectively. Pap is prepared from fermented corn, while akara, aka bean cake, is prepared from bean paste.

Pap and akara can be enjoyed with milk and tomato sauce. The milk is added to the pap and the akara is dipped into the sauce.

Healthy Breakfast

This is a healthy breakfast option because it has a high percentage of natural ingredients as well as a composition of probiotics from the pap.

3. Ewa Agoyin and Bread

Ewa agoyin is a meal made from beans. The name originates from the western part of Nigeria. The beans is prepared like porridge and accompanied with fried stew.

Asides from bread, it can be eaten with fried plantain, boiled yam, or pap.

4. Pap and Moi-moi

Similar to akara, moi-moi is made from beans. The process of preparing it involves steaming bean pudding with other ingredients.

Moi-moi is a popular healthy breakfast idea in Nigeria. It can be eaten with pap, custard, or bread. It can also be served as a side dish when eating any type of rice dish.

5. Toasted Bread and Beverage

Bread is a popular commodity in Nigeria. And it is a favorite in many households. It’s one of the most common breakfast meals in Nigeria when eaten plain, toasted, or made into a sandwich.

Healthy Breakfast

To prepare the toast, you’ll need butter, eggs, sardines, and of course, bread. Spread the butter on both parts of the sliced bread, add mashed sardine, and cover with another slice of buttered bread.

Put in the toaster and cook till it’s done. Enjoy with any beverage of your choice.

6. Okpa and Custard

Okpa is the local name of bambara nut. Its appearance is similar to moi-moi. However, unlike beans for moi-moi, it is made from a different ingredient; bambara nut powder.

Okpa originates from the Eastern part of Nigeria and is a favorite among the Igbos. Most people buy it from food vendors, rather than prepare it themselves.

It is both nutritious and filling and can be accompanied by custard or pap.

7. Yam Porridge

Yam porridge, popularly called ‘asaro’ in Yoruba language is another healthy breakfast idea you can’t wait to try.

It is a nutritious delicacy made by cooking yam with other ingredients. The yam is diced into small cuts and cooked with pepper, tomatoes, onions, fish, palm oil, and sometimes leafy vegetables.

8. Plantain Porridge

Similar to yam porridge, plantain porridge is also a very healthy breakfast option that is both delicious and nutritious.

Healthy Breakfast

It is prepared by boiling either ripe or unripe plantain with pepper, onions, fish, palm oil, and vegetables like pumpkin or scent leaves.

9. Fruit Salad

This healthy breakfast idea comes in handy on days when you don’t feel like cooking or eating anything cooked. You can just get a couple of fruits, chop and mix them, add cream or milk and you’re good to go.

Healthy Breakfast

Alternatively, you can just eat the whole fruit or make a smoothie by blending the fruits with ice and milk.

You can also add nuts like tiger nuts, almonds, and walnuts to your fruit salad or smoothie to give it an extra flavor.

10. Pancakes

Pancake is made from flour and other ingredients. The flour is mixed with eggs, milk, sugar, baking powder, and sometimes mashed fruits like bananas. After which the batter is scooped onto a greased pan and allowed to cook on both sides.

Healthy Breakfast

It can be eaten on its own or accompanied by pap, custard, or beverage. You can also add toppings like honey to give it extra flavor.

11. Oats

Oatmeal is a common breakfast choice. It is one of the healthiest grains that is rich in fiber, protein, essential vitamins, and minerals.


Oat powder is prepared in either water, syrup, or milk and cooked on low heat. It can be eaten alone or accompanied by fried plantain or omellete.


Healthy Breakfast


You can also add chopped fruits like bananas or strawberries, shredded coconut or walnuts, cashew nuts or chocolate chips to have a different taste.

12. Potato Fries and Omelette

Irish or sweet potatoes are healthy tuber crops that make healthy breakfast ideas. Fried or grilled potatoes accompanied with omelette is a wonder to the tastebuds.


To prepare this dish, peel and slice potato tubers into desired shapes and sizes. Fry in hot vegetable oil or grill in the oven. You can also cook in an air fryer.


Healthy Breakfast


Whisk the eggs with a pinch of salt and nutmeg powder. Grease the fry pan with oil and fry. Serve with the fries and enjoy. You can also add vegetables like onions, tomatoes, pepper and spring onions to the omelette.


You can alternate sweet or Irish potatoes with yam or plantain.


So here you have it; twelve healthy breakfast ideas to start your day right. With these, you should say goodbye to skipping breakfast.


Remember that a healthy breakfast is more than just a meal or a way to escape hunger pangs. It is fueling your body and mind for the day ahead. It is also setting up yourself for a great day of better health, mood, and productivity.

So next time you’re tempted to skip breakfast and run on an empty stomach, remember the numerous benefits of having a healthy breakfast, especially the compounded effect on your health in the long run.

Don’t allow the hustle and bustle of the morning to rip you off these benefits and eventually harm you. Take note of the healthy breakfast ideas shared in this post, bookmark it, and commit to trying them out one at a time. Cheers to a healthier you.


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