Top 12 Most Consumed Products in Nigeria in 2023

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Exploring the most consumed products in Nigeria provides valuable insights into the nation’s economy and the evolving needs and tastes of its people.

Most Consumed Products In Nigeria: Are you looking to invest in high-demand goods in Nigeria? You probably need to start a new business or obtain a side gig if you want to quit your current work. There is no arguing the necessity of trading in highly sought-after goods or services if you want to remain lucrative. Analyzing the market is necessary to determine which items are in more demand.

You may learn what goods are in the most demand by doing this. New trends generate a steady change in the Nigerian market. Nevertheless, despite the constantly shifting trends, there is always a great demand for some things. This has been greatly aided by the rise of internet commerce via sites like social media.

Top 12 Most Purchased and Consumed Items In Nigeria 2023

1. Fashion Items: In Nigeria, shoes and clothing are in high demand. There are numerous styles of clothing and footwear available for men, women, and children. Additionally, certain circumstances will call for various attire. In Nigeria, the majority of individuals own many pairs of shoes. People occasionally need to replenish their wardrobes with new clothing. The demand for clothing and footwear will remain strong as long as fashion trends change.

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No one wants to be found “unfresh” in a country like Nigeria. Of course, not everyone can afford to wear pricey, trendy clothing. But among the list of consumer items with the highest demand in the Nigerian market, apparel, footwear, and accessories will undoubtedly always rank highly.

Most Consumed Products in Nigeria

2. Hair Wigs and Extensions: Many women have grown to adore wearing wigs and hair extensions. They often use and recycle them. Whether it be by giving natural hair a little assistance or by aiming for a completely different appearance with wigs. The strong demand for these goods is presumably caused by this. There is already a sizable market for hair products of all sizes and price points.

Today, there are several types and kinds of hair extensions available for purchase both online and offline. Each person has an ethnic or racial label applied to them. You may spend money on high-end virgin hair, pure Mongolian hair, the best Remy hair, Peruvian hair, etc. Aside from wigs and extensions, you may also market shampoos, relaxers, hair creams, detangling brushes, and other accessories.

3. Health and Wellness Products: Since the introduction of the internet, health items have become one of the greatest and most in-demand goods in Nigeria. Everyone wants to be healthy, regardless of origin, gender, economic situation, or culture. As a result, they are ready to make any financial sacrifices necessary to reach their fitness and health objectives.

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The health sector is a large commercial sector, and all of the items are successful. Vitamins, nutritional supplements, and herbal cures are some of the fast-selling goods for health and wellbeing. Other goods include those for weight reduction, sexual wellness, physical discomfort, and general health and nutrition.

4. Baby Accessories: Baby necessities are always in style. They are crucial necessities and among the top-selling goods in Nigeria. Caregiving for children is expensive, regardless of whether you are having a kid, already have one, or are connected to a parent. Feeding, clothing, shelter, education, safety, and other aspects that promote a child’s wellness can all be included in the care. Some requirements of a kid must be satisfied at every stage of development.

Toys, instructional books, clothing, infant food, games, shoes, furniture, and other items might be the emphasis. If done correctly, all are profitable. Some of the top-selling baby items and accessories if you want to invest in this industry are the following: cribs, baby carriers, diapers, feeding bottles, jumpsuits, wipes, breast pumps, cloth pegs, water bottles, tits, etc.

5. Food and Groceries: Food gives us life and supports our health. Because grocery and food shopping may be stressful, people frequently change how they buy and rely more on technology. Foodpreneurs that provide packaged food items for rapid consumption now have a market because of the trend. Food is a good whose demand is consistently strong and never decreases.

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There are several methods to get involved in this industry. Cooked meals are available for sale and delivery to customers. Additionally, you may design a package deal where clients send you their shopping lists. Then you may go grocery shopping for raw food and deliver it as needed.

6. Cosmetic Products: Cosmetics are items used to improve one’s look. Regardless of age group, they support and enhance the beauty of the body. Cosmetics come in a variety of forms, such as skin or face care items, anti-aging items, aromatherapy items, makeup items, etc. For those who enjoy appearing a specific way, cosmetic goods have evolved into a fundamental and everyday necessity. As a result, it is among the goods that Nigerian consumers are in great demand for, particularly the middle-class demographic that are interested in fashion.

7. Electronic Goods: Because technology is continuously evolving, people are continually adopting new methods of doing things. This explains Nigeria’s strong demand for electronics. Electronics are products that rely on electromagnetic fields or electric current to function. They could appear as home furnishings or other machines that need to be powered in order to operate.

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People of all classes are now very interested in the newest technology products and devices. You may sell products like televisions, DVD players, fans, stoves, washing machines, printers, radios, etc. that are in high demand.

8. Camera and Accessories: People are always browsing the market for the newest phones and accessories. The rising demand for phones and accessories is a result of the introduction of new phones like the Infinix, iPhone, and Samsung.

Even those who at first appear uninterested in particular phone accessories frequently change their minds. This is mostly due to the market’s current oversaturation with new accessories. Sport Earphones, a selfie stick, phone cases, a durable screen protector, and other uncommon phone accessories are just a few examples.

9. Games: Contrary to popular assumption, a lot of individuals like playing video games. People enjoy playing a lot of video games. As a result, Nigeria’s gaming industry is expanding quickly. For gaming consoles and software, many consumers are ready to shell out a lot of money.

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The top games are Battlefield, Fallout, The Witcher 3, PES 2018, FIFA 2018, PES 2017, and PES 2019. Discover what the local market is most interested in, then make those items available.

10. Phones & Accessories: People are always browsing the market for the newest phones and accessories. The rising demand for phones and accessories is a result of the introduction of new phones like the Infinix, iPhone, and Samsung.
Even those who at first appear uninterested in particular phone accessories frequently change their minds.

This is mostly due to the market’s current oversaturation with new accessories. Sport Earphones, a selfie stick, phone cases, a durable screen protector, and other uncommon phone accessories are just a few examples.

11. Telecom Recharge Vouchers: In Nigeria, nearly 90% of humans use a cellular cellphone. Some of those telephones include a couple of sim playing cards and this has made the enterprise of selling recharge cards in Nigeria a profitable business for all of us that desires to challenge into enterprise with the highest call for by using customers.

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In Nigeria currently there are 4 extraordinary provider vendors which include MTN, AIRTEL, GLO and 9mobile. Selling recharge playing cards for these one of a kind denominations will provide you with first rate earnings.

12. Floor Tiles: In Nigeria, floor tiles are so popular and as such are being located on excessive demands each day. Ground tiles are a contemporary building design this is going viral within the complete of Nigeria.

The maximum famous ones are so cool and sturdy. And these types of come in extraordinary designs in order to seize your eyes. So every body in Nigeria that desires to have a stylish floor need to in reality move for Tiles.


That concludes our list of Nigeria’s top items by consumption. We advise you to expand your market research and not set boundaries. Don’t restrict yourself, especially if you think there might be a market for what you’re offering.


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