Selecting the Ideal Recommender: A Guide for 2023 and 2024

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Selecting the Ideal Recommender

Unlock the power of personalized recommendations with our guide on Selecting the Ideal Recommender. Discover how to choose the perfect recommendation system to enhance user experiences and drive engagement.

As part of the admission application package, universities abroad ask students to submit a Letter of Recommendation, commonly known as LOR. A good letter of recommendation from the right person can highly influence your chances of acceptance. It provides a third-person perspective on the abilities and skills of the student to the admissions committee.

Who should be writing your letter of recommendation? Well, a great LOR or reference letter is one that is written by someone who can correctly assess your academic performance and potential.

The next question people consider is, how one should choose the right recommender? Well, to answer this big question, there are 5 important questions which you should ask yourself:

  1. Who can endorse you well on your behalf?
  2. Which type of recommendation letter do you need?
  3. Who has been a witness to your success and failures?
  4. Who can highlight your interpersonal skills properly?
  5. Who can pen it down all of this well?

Undoubtedly, you have a lot to think about and it might seem like a big task. But, don’t worry, we have some full-proof pointers which will help you choose the right recommender for your academic LOR or professional LOR.

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Hopefully, the following pointers will help you while selecting your recommender(s):

Consider a strong rapport over designation

Sure, a letter of recommendation from the dean would be an excellent way of impressing the admissions committee but if the dean doesn’t know you well, then the LOR won’t exactly serve the purpose. The letter of recommendation should speak high of your best and positive traits. You shouldn’t ask for a LOR from anyone who has taught you or just any acquaintance In an effort to amaze the admissions committee. The admissions committee usually doesn’t pay much attention to the rank of the recommender but prefers a well-written recommendation by someone who has closely kept track of your work or academic performance.

Choose someone who has witnessed your performance and achievements

The key to a good letter of recommendation is to support your statements with examples from real-life incidents. Only someone who has closely witnessed your strengths, skills and achievements can give a proper illustration of where you’ve demonstrated them. For example- If you’ve displayed exceptional leadership skills while organizing a college cultural fest, then someone who has noticed those positive attributes can specifically pen down those incidents.

Choose Someone who is impressed with you

Letter of Recommendation (LOR) should discuss all the positive qualities of the applicant and so it must be written by someone who likes you and whom you’ve had a good impact on. A person who has a good friendly relationship with you can only write outstanding remarks about you. The recommender shouldn’t exaggerate or even be biased but he should write honest facts about the candidate that sets him apart from other applicants.

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Choose Someone who has some understanding of the course you’re applying to

The course requires a specific skill set and the LOR must include all those skills relevant to the program. The recommender must be familiar with the subject so that he can assess the applicant’s performance. Those skills can influence the admission committee that the applicant is the right fit for the program. For example, if you are applying for a civil engineer course, ask your mathematics, physics, chemistry teacher for a letter of reference rather than your social studies or English teacher. A mathematics teacher can assess your technical skills which are required for a civil engineering program rather than your literary skills.

Choose someone who has good writing skills 

It is important for the recommender to be a good writer. Someone might have witnessed your experiences and achievements but won’t be able to express those qualities on the paper, then that letter becomes worthless as The admission committee will read the letter to evaluate the applicants performances. So it needs to be written and expressed in a good way and must leave a lasting impression on the admission committee.

Choose your academic professors rather than your previous employers

It is highly recommended to provide an academic letter of recommendation unless stated otherwise. Make sure that you submit at least one academic letter of recommendation if you are asked for two LORs. Universities usually specify the number of academic and professional letters of recommendation that they require but if there is no mention of such kind, always choose a reference letter from my college professor, counselor, or dean.

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The Bottom Line

Remember to brief your recommender about your academic performance and achievements because no matter how long they know you, they might not remember every single detail about those incidents where you have displayed your greatest skills. Your prospective recommender must write positive traits about you and is confident that you will serve the university’s community that you’re applying to. Choose someone who believes in you and has faith that you are capable of fulfilling your future ambitions. The referee should be able to pen down his thoughts about you in a precise and comprehensive manner.


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