Ministry’s Girls in ICT Competition 2024/2025.

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Girls in ICT

The Girls in ICT National Competition serves as a platform to inspire the next generation of female leaders and innovators in the ICT sector, highlighting the importance of diversity and inclusion in the technological advancements of the future.

Successful schools would receive special Awards in the below categories

  • 1st Prize: N500,000 (Five hundred thousand naira)
  • 2nd Prize: N300,000 (Three hundred thousand naira)
  • 3rd Prize: N200,000 (Two hundred thousand naira).

Ministry of Communication Technology Girls in ICT National Competition Eligibility.

  • A team of a maximum of three girls each in any secondary school in Nigeria to come up with solutions to pressing challenges in their communities addressing SDGs 1-8.
  • Girls should be between 13 – 18 years old.
  • Entries should give a detailed description of a Proposal, Project or Idea on what your team can do using ICT in addressing the above SDGs.

How to Submit Entries for Ministry of Communication Technology Girls in ICT National Competition.

Interested and qualified? Submit the following documents below in a zip folder to: [email protected] The subject of the mail should read “Submission from <name of school>” and the zipped file named after the school.

In a zip folder, please include the following documents:

  • Not more than 10-page detailed Proposal in Microsoft Word document between 750 to 2000 words, including full names of teams and SDG (s) being addressed;
  • Power Point Presentation of not more than 15 slides;
  • A less than 3- minutes video pitch;
  • Entries should be clearly marked and labelled with Name of student(s)/school and endorsed by the school Principal; and

Important Informations/Notices

  • Participants in this Competition must be ready to demonstrate ownership of the Proposal when called upon to do so.
  • Participants are advised to check the portal from time to time. Only submissions through the portal will be considered.
  • Prizes will only be Awarded to support the Innovations or Ideas for the Submissions. Due to the volume of entries that this Competition will Attract, only successful entries will be contacted.
  • Entries will be received from “Friday, 17th May to Monday, 10th June, 2020”. Winners will be announced on Friday 14th June, 2020.
  • For more information, please email: [email protected] Or Contact: Edwin: 08065473942, Tolu: 09094387766


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