Highest Paid Position in Automotive Companies

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Interested in automotive companies? Automotive companies are tasked with designing, developing, manufacturing, marketing, and selling of vehicles.

Here are the top and highest paid positions in this companies.


Top Position in the Automotive

It is important to the economic sector because of the revenue it generates. The industry has so many employees and when you consider that there are millions of cars on the roads, we can say that there’s a demand for skilled workers to take care of those cars.

This is the list of the top 10 job positions you can start a career in the Automotive Industry.

1. Automotive Engineer

An automotive engineer designs new cars and seeks to improve current models. Engineers face challenges In designing cars, depending on the manufacturer’s needs.

An automotive engineer must possess a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering and must have STEM skills, as well as analytical and problem-solving skills.

2. Auto Body Technician

An auto body technician fixes cars safely and efficiently by repairing car frames, wheel alignments, suspensions, etc.

This position does not require a bachelor’s degree, but an Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) Certificate is required.

3. Automotive Instructor

An automotive instructor works in a classroom/shop environment. Automotive instructors teach high school or college students topics like engine repair, transportation, etc. This position requires a bachelor’s degree and a teaching license.

4. Auto Sales Manager

The auto sales manager forecasts, manage a sales team, maintains inventory levels, oversees moving parts, and helps customers choose the best vehicles.

An auto sales manager must possess a bachelor’s degree in business or management and also some years of experience in sales/management.

5. Car Detailer

A car detailer restores the new looks of a car when it gets dirty by cleaning the car’s interiors and exteriors. This position does not require formal education or a degree, but experience.


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6. Tire Technician

A tire technician services tire by replacing and repairing them. Tire technicians work as a part of the automotive technician team at an auto body shop or a warehouse.

This position requires a high school diploma and a valid driver’s license, including math skills and experience in car repairs.

7. Car Rental Agent

A car rental agent helps customers rent vehicles of their choice, handles the documentation and answers the customer’s questions.

A car rental agent does not need to have a formal education degree, but must have a valid driver’s license and a clean driving record.

8. Tow Truck Driver

The tow truck drivers arrive in emergency situations to rescue broken-down or damaged cars and transport them safely for repairs at a local garage. A tow driver is required to have a valid driver’s license and a clean driving record.

9. Vehicle Inspector

The duty of a vehicle inspector is to investigate whether a car needs repairs and what repairs if needed. They also ensure that the cars are successfully fixed, and also perform post-repair inspections.

A vehicle inspector must possess a high school diploma and must receive on-the-job training. Also, must have knowledge of car parts, the vehicle makes and models, processes and service standards.

10. Valet

Valets usually work at clubs, hotels, and restaurants. Their duty is to ensure that the guest’s cars are parked safely in the parking lot and retrieve them when the guests are ready to leave.

This position requires a driver’s license, a clean driving record, good customer service skills and must have a habit of punctuality.

FAQs about Job Position in the Automotive Industry

Below are FAQs about Job Position in the Automotive Industry. Please, kindly examine the answers.

1. What is the position of the automobile industry?

Indian automotive industry (including component manufacturing) is expected to reach Rs. 16.16-18.18 trillion (US$ 251.4-282.8 billion) by 2026.

Therefore, we expect the Indian auto industry to record strong growth in 2022-23, post recovering from effects of COVID-19 pandemic.

2. What are four careers in the automotive industry?

5 Types of Jobs in the Automotive Industry

1. Tire / Lube Technician. Tire/ Lube Technicians (also known as general service technicians) touch the most vehicles in our busy shops. …

2. Automotive Technician / Master Mechanic. …

3. Service Manager. …

4. Sales Associate. …

5. Vehicle Inspector

3. What are the major segments in the automotive industry?

We can divide the Indian automobile market into four main segments – two-wheelers (motorcycles, geared and ungeared scooters), three-wheelers, passenger vehicles (cars and utility vehicles), and commercial vehicles (light, medium and heavy).

4. Is automobile and automotive same?

Both terms, automobile and automotive, are related to the vehicle industry. The automobile is a noun that usually refers to a four-wheeled automotive vehicle designed for passengers.

Also, transportation, whereas automotive, is an adjective relating to motor vehicles. This is the main difference between automobiles and automobiles.

5. Which sector does automobile manufacturing industries?

the secondary sector

The correct answer is secondary. Automobile manufacturing industries belong to the secondary sector. All the industry and manufacturing sectors fall under the secondary sector

More FAQs about the Automotive Industry

6. How many jobs are in the automotive industry?

10.3 Million Jobs

A robust auto manufacturing sector is vital to a healthy U.S. economy.

7. Is automotive a good career?

Becoming an automotive technician is a good career option, especially if you are passionate about cars, love working with your hands, and wish to earn as early as possible.

Becoming a mechanic is also rewarding in terms of pay, as technicians can earn more than $65,000 annually.

8. What are 2 primary segments in automotive industry?

Companies in the automotive industry fall into one of two primary segments: car manufacturers and car parts manufacturers.

Today’s vehicles are more complex and involve many more parts and electronics than in years past.

9. Is the automobile a sector or industry?

The automotive sector includes several types of companies besides auto manufacturers. Some of these companies focus on the parts that go into cars and trucks. Other companies handle vehicle sales, rentals or repairs. They have cyclical stocks.



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