COWBELLPEDIA Prizes for JS 2 & SS 2.

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Prizes for JS

COWBELLPEDIA presents enticing prizes for JS 2 and SS 2 students, along with rewards for teachers and schools. Don’t miss out on the chance to win exciting prizes for JS!

The initiative began in 1998 as Cowbell National Secondary School Mathematics Competition (NASSMAC) when it was a written examination without a TV show.

Since 1998, the Cowbell brand has been involved in promoting the study of mathematics in secondary schools across Nigeria. In the process, it has helped millions of students develop interest in and gain a better understanding of the subject. The project is designed to identify, recognize and reward excellence in the study of mathematics. The program is deployed in public and private schools. It serves students between the ages of eight and eighteen.

In 2015, Promasidor Nigeria (PNG) became a sponsor of Cowbellpedia. Their sponsorship made the program more robust. In the same year, the initiative took a new dimension when it was split into two stages. The Stage One is the Qualifying Examination (written exam in designated centres across the country) and the Stage two is the TV quiz competition.

Since 2016, Cowbell-Our Milk has decided to bring all its mathematics intervention activities under one umbrella, Cowbellpedia. The top prize was increased to 2 million Nigerian Naira in 2018 so as to celebrate the 20 years anniversary of the Mathematics competition initiative.

Cowbellpedia is an annual mathematics intervention for young students in Nigeria with many touch points. It is approved by the Federal Ministry of Education and endorsed by National Examination Council (NECO), the National Examination body for secondary schools in Nigeria.

After schools must have duly completed their registration on, all the eligible students are expected to write a national qualifying examination, administered by NECO, at designated centers closest to them. The results are released online every 1 June, to commemorate World Milk Day.

From the students that write the examinations annually, the best 108 (54 junior and 54 senior students) converge in Lagos along with their mathematics teachers for the ultimate prize/bragging rights of the Best Mathematics Student of the year – The Cowbellpedia Future Inventor.

Its no longer news that the Cowbellpedia Management makers of Cowbell Our Milk has increased the Prize Money or Students Cash Prizes for the Cowbellpedia Maths Competition.

This is to mark the occasion of 20 years relationship of Cowbell and Mathematics in Nigeria

COWBELLPEDIA New Cash Prizes for Teachers, Students & Schools | Junior & Senior Categories

Below is a comprehensive highlight of all the prizes in Cowbellpedia Secondary School TV Quiz Show that Students, Teachers and schools get for participating in the National written examination and TV Quiz show.

Stage One (National Written Examination)

At the end of the written National Qualifying examination, top performing students and teachers from each state are rewarded for excellence performance as listed below:

1First position in each State (Junior & Senior)₦30,000 each
2Second Position in each State (Junior & Senior)₦25,000 each
3Third Position in each State (Junior & Senior)₦20,000 each
4Teacher of the First Position in each State (Junior & Senior)₦30,000 each

Stage Two (TV Quiz Show)

Below are all the cash prizes given to all the outstanding students involved in the Stage Two of the Cowbellpedia Competition and their Mathematics Teachers

1First Position in each Category (Junior/Senior)₦2,000,000
2Second Position in each Category (Junior/Senior)₦1,500,000
3Third Position in each Category (Junior/Senior)₦1,000,000
4Fourth – Sixth Position in each Category (Junior/Senior)₦150,000
5Teachers of the First Position Winners in each Category (Junior/Senior)₦500,000
6Teachers of the Second Position Winners in each Category (Junior/Senior)₦400,000
7Teachers of the Third Position Winners in each Category (Junior/Senior)₦300,000
8Teachers of the Fourth – Sixth Position in each Category (Junior/Senior)₦75,000
9All eliminated Semifinalists (12 per Category) Students (Junior/Senior)₦75,000
10Teachers of all eliminated Semifinalists (Junior/Senior)₦50,000
11All Students Eliminated in Prelim, 36 per Category (Junior/Senior)₦50,000
12Teachers of all Students eliminated in prelim (Junior/Senior)₦30,000
Aside the cash prizes, there are other gift items given to all contestants as listed below:
  1. First and Second position students and their Teachers gets a Laptop each
  2. Trophies and medals for 1st – 3rd Positions
  3. Every other Students gets a Tablet each
  4. Text books and Computer Systems are given to the winners’ schools
Some special recognitions are given to:
  1. Best Students in the Cowbellpedia 60 Seconds of Fame (Student who answered highest number of Questions in 60 Seconds)
  2. Benson Oweka Prize: usually given to the most consistent School in the last three years of the Competition.
  3. Best Teacher of the year


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