The 13 Countries with the Lowest Internet Speed Worldwide

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Explore the worldwide list of countries with the lowest internet speed and gain insights into the digital connectivity challenges they face

Countries with the Lowest Internet Speed: In today’s digital age, access to the Internet is essential for communication, education, business, and entertainment. However, not all countries have equal access to fast and reliable internet. In some parts of the world, internet speeds are slow, unreliable, and expensive.

This has a significant impact on the economy, education, and overall quality of life in these countries. In this article, we will take a closer look at some of the countries with the slowest internet speeds in the world. We will explore the reasons behind their slow internet speeds, the impact it has on their economy and development, and the efforts being made to improve the situation.

By understanding the challenges faced by these countries, we can gain a better appreciation for the importance of internet access and the need for continued investment in digital infrastructure.

Top 13 Countries With The Slowest Internet Speed In The World

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1. Venezuela: Venezuela is one of the countries with the slowest internet speeds in the world. The internet infrastructure in the country is inadequate and outdated, leading to slow and unreliable connections.

The government’s control over the telecommunications sector has resulted in limited investment in new technology, which has further exacerbated the problem.

In addition, the economic crisis in Venezuela has led to a shortage of resources, making it difficult to upgrade the existing infrastructure. As a result, internet speeds in the country remain slow, and users face numerous challenges, including limited access to information and difficulty carrying out online activities such as online banking, e-commerce, and communication.

2. Libya: Libya is recognized as one of the countries with the slowest internet speed globally. The internet penetration rate in Libya is relatively low, and the internet infrastructure is inadequate, leading to slow internet speeds.

This is mainly due to years of political instability and conflict, which have negatively impacted the development of the telecommunications sector in the country. Additionally, the cost of internet services in Libya is high, making it inaccessible for many people.

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The slow internet speed in Libya has hindered the country’s socio-economic growth and development, making it difficult for individuals and businesses to leverage the benefits of the internet fully.

3. Algeria: Algeria is among the countries with the slowest internet in the world. Despite being the largest country in Africa, Algeria faces several challenges in providing high-speed internet to its citizens.

The slow internet speed is attributed to several factors, including poor infrastructure, limited competition among service providers, and high costs of internet access. As a result, Algeria’s internet penetration rate is relatively low compared to other African countries. Additionally, the slow internet speed has adversely affected e-commerce and online businesses, limiting their growth potential.

The Algerian government has initiated plans to improve internet infrastructure, but progress has been slow, and more needs to be done to address the issue.

Countries with the Lowest Internet Speed

4. Lebanon: Lebanon has one of the slowest internet speeds globally, as indicated by a recent report where it ranks 148th out of 150 countries, with an average download speed of only 1.77 Mbps.

The country’s slow internet is caused by several factors, including outdated infrastructure, insufficient technology investment, and political instability. This slow internet speed has had a severe effect on the economy since businesses operate inefficiently, and individuals have difficulties accessing essential online services.

Despite the Lebanese government’s promises to address this issue, the process has been slow.

5. Bolivia: Bolivia is known to have one of the slowest internet speeds globally, with an average speed of around 5 Mbps. This is due to several factors, including the country’s rugged terrain, low internet penetration rates, and limited investment in telecommunications infrastructure.

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Additionally, the government’s regulations on foreign investment in the telecom industry have hindered the development of the sector. Bolivia’s slow internet speed has hurt businesses, education, and communication within the country.

The government has recently made efforts to improve internet access, but much work still needs to be done to increase internet speeds and connectivity across Bolivia.

6. Egypt: Egypt is one of the countries with the slowest internet in the world. Despite its high population and rapidly developing economy, its internet infrastructure lags behind many other nations.

The country’s slow internet speed is mainly attributed to its outdated infrastructure and lack of investment in modern technology. Additionally, the government’s strict control over internet usage and content also contributes to the slow internet speed.

The slow internet speed has negatively impacted the country’s economy, education, and overall development. However, efforts are being made to improve the country’s internet infrastructure, which could potentially boost its economic growth and development.

7. Suriname: Suriname is one of the countries in the world with the slowest internet. The country’s internet infrastructure is underdeveloped, which has resulted in slow internet speeds and limited connectivity.

According to a global internet speed report, Suriname ranks among the bottom 10 countries, with an average download speed of 4.2 Mbps. The country’s internet is also expensive, which makes it difficult for most people to afford it. This has hindered the growth of the country’s digital economy and limited access to online education and other essential services.

The government is making efforts to improve internet infrastructure and connectivity in the country.

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8. Uzbekistan: Uzbekistan is known to have one of the slowest internet speeds in the world. The country has limited internet infrastructure and is heavily reliant on outdated technologies.

The government controls and heavily censors the internet, making it difficult for citizens to access information and use the internet freely. As a result, the country has a low internet penetration rate, with only a small percentage of the population having access to the internet.

Despite efforts to improve the situation, Uzbekistan still lags in terms of internet speed and accessibility compared to other countries in the region and globally.

9. Mozambique: Situated in Southeast Africa, Mozambique is one of the nations worldwide that experiences sluggish internet speeds. Despite infrastructure improvements, internet accessibility is low with merely around 7% of the population connected to the internet.

The restricted infrastructure and costly internet access account for the frustratingly sluggish online activities. The government has implemented policies to enhance internet access by boosting infrastructure development and affordability.

However, the process to attain significant improvements in internet speeds and accessibility will take some time.

10. Nicaragua: Nicaragua is among the countries with the slowest internet speeds in the world. The country faces several challenges in providing reliable and fast internet access to its citizens.

The primary cause is the lack of infrastructure and limited investment in the sector. Many areas of the country still lack basic internet connectivity, and those that have access often experience slow speeds and frequent interruptions.

This has had a significant impact on the country’s economy and overall development. Despite efforts by the government to improve the situation, Nicaragua still lags in terms of internet speeds compared to many other countries.

11. Afghanistan: this is an Asian country with the slowest broadband of internet connection and it has an average speed of 1.71 Mbps. Most times when the internet equipments are  outdated and not changed, it may run the risk of continuous breakdown, very slow internet connection and may also not be able to reach or connect with other countries of higher internet speed.

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As a country that has experienced most of the brutal effects of war and inconsistent government,  internet improvement may not be one of the top most agenda they would tackle, coupled with other issues like restricted internet connection and rough terrain. The government should look into working on improving internet speed.

12. Gabon is found in West Africa. It has a slow speed rate of 1.9 Mbps; this country has recorded a lot of incidents like shutdown of the internet by the government because of their own personal reasons, unsteady or disruptions in internet connectivity. At times when internet equipments are not updated, telecommunications companies in Gabon should also step up in their services. it causes a lot of issues because it will not be able to enter or work effectively in some modern sites.

13. Yemen can be located in the middle-east. It is recorded to have a slow internet connectivity of 1.3Mbps. Most of its problems may have arisen from corruption, archaic technological equipment or old industries still situated in the area that has not been changed or upgraded by the government.

This country suffers from polical, cultural and economic challenges. Although, at the moment purchasing and creating resources and equipments for installation of internet connectivity might come at exorbitant prices the government should work on buying it. They should equip their internet staff with the knowledge of handling internet equipments within their country rather than depending always on international services.


Several countries worldwide have internet speeds that are significantly slower than others. This has had a significant impact on their economic and social development, hindering their ability to compete in a globalized world.


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