We bring you a realtime update as the names of those who gained admission into the Federal University of Kashere and whose names are on the FUKASHERE Remedial Admission List for 2019/2020. First off, I would like to say a big congratulations to all those whose names were on the list. A job well done…Read more
Info Hub
Here is all the latest information you need! On our Info Hub, we keep you updated with the most recent details you need on the information in Nigeria and Abroad.
Obafemi Awolowo University, OAU Freshers Students Clearance and Registration Process
For all New and Fresh students of the Obafemi Awolowo University, here is the full guide on the OAU Students Registration Process to be followed so as to verify your admission into the university. All documents needed for your clearance will also be outlined here. It is also assumed that by now, you have done…Read more
Top Universities in French Polynesia 2020 | Polynesian University Ranking
Want to know the 2020 French Polynesia University Ranking? Then you are on the right site. In this post, we will look at the Top Universities in French Polynesia and the Best Schools to Study in French Polynesia. About Education in French Polynesia French Polynesia is an overseas territory of France and its education system…Read more
Top Universities in Guam and Best Universities to Study in Guam
Guam! A beautiful country located in Oceania. Let us take a look at the Top 10 Universities in Guam. This list will contain both private universities in Guam and public universities in Guam and Colleges in Guam. This post will contain details on university of guam, university of guam ranking, pacific islands university, university of guam address, university of guam mascot,…Read more
Top Universities in Samoa 2020 | Samoan University Ranking
Want to know the 2020 Samoa University Ranking? Then you are on the right site. In this post, we will look at the Top Universities in Samoa and the Best Schools to Study in Samoa. This post will contain information on national university of samoa, top 10000 universities in the world, international colleges & universities, unirank university ranking, ranking…Read more
Price and Selling Points of 2020 JAMB UTME ePin (Scratch Card)
Many people are asking the question, “how much is Jamb Scratch Card?” and some also want to know how to get JAMB ePIN. So I put together the Price and Selling points of 2020 JAMB ePIN Scratch Cards. I will show you fully how to buy JAMB ePIN and where to buy jamb ePIN. JAMB…Read more
Top Universities In Fiji 2020/2021 | Best Schools to Study in Fiji
Want to know the 2020 Fiji University Ranking? Then you are on the right site. In this post, we will look at the Top Universities in Fiji and the Best Schools to Study in Fiji About Education in Fuji The Fiji Education System is taken care of by the government but most of the schools…Read more