The Wealthiest Tribes in Africa: Top 9

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Indeed Africa is blessed with lots of wealth tribes. It is a large continent with different ethnic groups, cultures and traditions. Among all the rich tribes in Africa, here is the top 9 wealthiest.


1. Yoruba

The Yoruba tribe is found mainly in the South-Western Nigeria and Southern Benin but the highest population is in Nigeria. This is undoubtedly one of the largest ethnic groups in Africa with an estimated population of 35 million people.

This is one of the richest tribes in Nigeria. They make up 20% of the population in Nigeria and because they accepted western education earlier, more professionals come from this tribe than any other tribe in Nigeria.

2. Zulu

The Zulu tribe is one of the richest tribes in Africa known worldwide. They speak the isiZulu language and are mostly found in South Africa and other countries like Zambia, Zimbabwe, etc.

Their culture is elegant and is known for their festivals. This tribe is estimated to have a population of 11 million people.

3. Pedi

The Pedi tribe originated from South Africa and they speak the Sotho language; there are over 7 million people speaking this language in South Africa.

The highest populations of this tribe were involved in herding and farming but at a time, many people migrated to cities in search of work. Currently, they are one of the richest tribes on the continent.

4. Hausa and Fulani

These tribes are the most successful in politics because of the large population in Nigeria. This tribe is the most populated in Nigeria and they are also found in some West African countries.

The people are mostly into agriculture and trading and are ranked among one of the richest tribes on the continent. The richest man in Africa, Aliko Dangote is from this tribe.

5. Suri

The Suri tribe is one of the richest in Africa. They speak the Surma language and are mainly found on highlands and countries like Sudan and Ethiopia. They practice a weird culture whereby they can only marry within their tribe.

6. Igbo

This is the most successful and popular tribe in Nigeria. They are mainly into business; they are really obsessed with making money.

7. El Molo

This is one of the richest tribes in the continent although it is the smallest tribe in Kenya. They speak the Maa language.

The people are into fishing and hunting, one of their sources of food is the hippopotamus killed in Turkana Lake.

8. Xhosa

The people of the Xhosa tribe are found all across thEastern Cape Province of South Africa and they literally speak with click sounds. This tribe is also one of the richest in Africa.

9. Oromo Tribe

The Oromo tribe is the most popular in Ethiopia and they make up 40% of the country’s population. They speak Oromo language and practice the Waaqa traditional religion.


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