13 Categories of Lecturers in Nigerian Universities

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Categories of Lecturers

The Categories of Lecturers encapsulate a spectrum of expertise and experience, encompassing roles such as assistant lecturers, senior lecturers, and professors.

Today, you and I will quickly take a look at the 10 Types of Lecturers In Any Nigerian University.

The first duty of a lecturer is to hand you after hours discourse, a nugget of pure truth to wrap up between the pages of your note books and keep on the mantle piece forever.

But in the typical Nigeria setting, do we really have this kind of lecturers?

The best lecturers teach from the heart and not from books.

Good lecturers are the reason why ordinary students dream to do extraordinary things.

What Nigerian lecturers don’t put to heart is that students will often tend to forget the books they are taught but will never forget what a lecturer says.

Therefore, lecturers are a mix of chalk and challenges.

Now coming back mainly to the topic, when you check out most Nigerian Universities, there are some lecturers that never come to class.

In fact, when you see them, it is like God begged them to show their face.

This is mainly because most times they are too busy doing some other things which you will normally hear as RUNS.

If you are close to any lecturer, you must have probably heard that word (RUNS) much more than what he/she has taught you all his/her life.

Probably, the salary from the lecturing is not enough, so they engage in a whole lots of other things.

Anyway, today, we will quickly see the ten types of lecturers you will find in any Nigerian University.

If you are not too busy, then let’s head to it right way.

  • Expiritos

Don’t border about the title I am giving it here. (lol).

By expiritos, I mean these set of lecturers are present most times in class.

Nevertheless, they are the set of lecturers that always come to tell students about their experiences while they were on campus.

Most times, they teach for 10 minutes and discuss for 30 minutes.

This routine is what they continue until a lecture session of 2hours elapses.

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  • The Strict Lecturers

See ehn, don’t enter trouble with this ones oh if you want to have peace.

Remember that year when they used to say a lecturer will mark someones face?.

Yes it still happens up till today.

These ones will never miss class.

They are highly principled.

In fact they will be in class 30 minutes for a class they set for 7AM.

Once they get they begin lecturing, if you don’t want to disgrace yourself, just stay outside jejely.

  • Youngito’s

These ones are very young.

Talk about information and latest gist in town, their eyes are wide open.

Most times they are the graduate assistants who the main course coordinator has delegated the duty to.

They have really nice cut and form English and talk soft.

  • Fast Food lecturers

These set of lecturers are always eating.

In fact, the size of their stomach is as large as that of a cow.

When you offend them, they don’t fail you.

They only order you to go get them a food pack.

They are never contented and never satisfied.

  • The Rude Lecturers

If you as much as have little integrity, just try and quietly maintain it.

These ones are very blunt and really talk harsh and rude.

They don’t have respect for human existence.

Once you offend them, the only picture of you that appears before them is that of a dog barking.

They will so finish and rain insults on that you just oh sorry from your friends can make you burst into tears like that of sponge bob.

  • The Writers

Whenever department shares course coordinators and these ones are not among, they will almost want to kill themselves.

Don’t be confused by the title.

They really do not write shit.

They print one olden days materials that is no longer existent and put a heavy prize tag on it.

You will see a small pamphlet of 10 pages being sold for N1500. Please who does that?

This sets are very annoying and they are the set that students report most.

  • The Ones Who Never Come To Class

These ones are quite amazing. Aren’t they.

They always want to reap where they did not sow.

Well nemesis will catch up on them one day.

They never come to class at any time and only appear during when exam approaches.

They then fix extra classes and give small test.

Then probably give AOC and that’s it till exam.

These ones are student favorite.

You will often hear students say “who im coming help self”?

  • The Titled lecturers

These one’s are the lover of title.

Maybe they were involved in school politics while they were young or something like that.

They then bring their titles into the classroom setting.

If you don’t call them by their names you should just as well forget it.

They don’t like being called Sir as they are mainly males in this category.

Call them Comrade, Mazi, Chief and the rest.

  • Wicked Lecturers

To be very sincere with you, wickedness abounds in the heart of some lecturers.

Some lecturers are just sadists.

Most times this arises from the fact that they think nobody can reason more than them.

Professors fall mainly into this category.

They so much believe they have seen the length, breadth, width, outer radius and inner radius of education that there is nothing they tell you that isn’t correct and that there is nothing you know that is relevant.

The best deal is that you should not show yourself.

Whatever they say, give a nod in assertion.

Give them what they ask you in exams.

Don’t prove to know too much.

Don’t step into their shoes because you will wear one trouser with them and you definitely do not want to be in that situation.

  • The Immoral Ones

Most of the lecturers in this category are mostly married men.

But you notice the way they behave in class.

They give attention to girls more in the class.

In fact all their messages, they totally cut of the boys and move towards the girls in the class.

They mostly end their class with “If you know you don’t understand, come to my office to see me”.

The reason they do that is because they know that boys hardly come but the female ones will want to show their selves.

Girls be careful of these ones.

  • Attendance Lecturers

These set of lecturers do not really have what to teach, although some really know sha.

But they are mostly in class to implement the No 70% attendance in class, No exam rule.

They come very early to class and take attendance.

They seldom stay till the end of the lecture period.

  • Those ones always Present In Class

This ones mean serious business.

They take their job very seriously.

Most of them really know what they are doing and so come to impact students but some of them are jargon’s

The committed ones will stay till the end of the lecture and really teach the students to understand.

But the other ones really do not have your time.

They are always present to make sure they finish one topic every lecture day in 10 minutes.

  • Those learning How To Read

These set of lecturers are the reason why most students don’t even attendance class in most Nigerian Universities.

They bring their lecture notes and come to re read it to students Word For Word.

They are usually the first to finish their scheme of work.

Most times, they don’t even care if you are present or not.

But they take attendance.


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